prefix (string, defaults to "PHPREDIS_SESSION:"): used as a prefix to the Redis key in which the session is stored. The key is composed of the prefix followed by the session ID. auth (string, or an array with one or two elements): used to authenticate with the server prior to send...
//Load a PO file$poLoader=newPoLoader();$translations=$poLoader->loadFile('locales/en.po');//Save to MO file$moGenerator=newMoGenerator();$moGenerator->generateFile($translations,'locales/');//Or return as a string$content=$moGenerator->generateString($translations);file_put_...
$image_string = base64_decode($image_string);$img = imagecreatefromstring($image_string); up down -1 alexandrebr at ignorethis dot gmail dot com ¶ 19 years ago An easy example to help understanding this function...<?$loadFile = "";$im =...
public boolean hasMethod ( $name, $checkBehaviors = true ) $name string The property name $checkBehaviors boolean Whether to treat behaviors' methods as methods of this component return boolean Whether the method is defined Source code has...
($fileName); $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); /* 读取excel中的图片 */ $imgpath = './'; $imgArray = array(); foreach ($worksheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) { list($startColumn, $startRow) = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($drawing->getCoordinates()); print_r...
strings until the end of the scriptmb_internal_encoding('UTF-8');// Tell PHP that we'll be outputting UTF-8 to the browsermb_http_output('UTF-8');// Our UTF-8 test string$string='Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn.';// Transform the string in some way with a multibyte ...
*@returnstring */ protectedstaticfunctiongetFacadeAccessor() { returnExample::class; } Filesystem TheFILESYSTEM_DRIVEREnvironment Variable Likelihood Of Impact: Low TheFILESYSTEM_DRIVERenvironment variable has been renamed toFILESYSTEM_DISKto more accurately reflect its usage. This change only affects th...
A default value may be passed as the third argument to the method. This value will be returned if the key doesn't exist:use Illuminate\Support\Arr; $value = Arr::pull($array, $key, $default);Arr::query()The Arr::query method converts the array into a query string:...
To replace a text string, select Replace or Replace in Files under the same submenu instead. Change the defaults for the Project view PhpStorm has the Project view, which lets you see the structure of your current projects and browse them. Its default behavior differs from that of ...
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME complete_path_webroot_folder$fastcgi_script_name;includefastcgi_params; } 当我们希望引起您对代码块的特定部分的注意时,相关行或项会以粗体显示: server { … … **root html;** **index index.php index.html index.htm;** ...