The str_replace() function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.This function works by the following rules:If the string to be searched is an array, it returns an array If the string to be searched is an array, find and replace is performed with every array ...
$string='fdjborsnabcdtghrjosthabcrgrjtabc';$string= preg_replace('/[abc]+/i','',$string); 方法二 把字符串转化成数组 $arr=str_split($string);foreach($arras$key=>$value){if(in_array($value,array('a','b','c')) ){unset($arr[$key]); } }$string=implode('',$arr); 三、...
";//查找的数据$search=array('美国','日本','韩国','法国','澳大利亚');//替换为$replace='***';//开始替换echostr_replace($search,$replace,$string,$count);echo'';echo'替换的次数是:'.$count.'次!'; 第三种: str_replace(array,array,string,替换次数); 代码如下: $string="online project ...
str_replace()Replaces some characters in a string (case-sensitive) str_rot13()Performs the ROT13 encoding on a string str_shuffle()Randomly shuffles all characters in a string str_split()Splits a string into an array str_word_count()Count the number of words in a string ...
第二种: str_replace(array,string,string,替换次数); 粗暴点 , 代码如下: $string="online project 美国 php hosting 日本 user git includes php 韩国 source-code php browser , php in-line editing 法国 wikis and ticketing 澳大利亚 free for public php open-source code!"; //查找的数据 $search=...
array_replace_recursive() 递归地使用后面数组的值替换第一个数组的值。 array_reverse() 以相反的顺序返回数组。 array_search() 搜索数组中给定的值并返回键名。 array_shift() 删除数组中首个元素,并返回被删除元素的值。 array_slice() 返回数组中被选定的部分。 array_splice() 删除并替换数组中指定的元素...
wordscut = '';if(strtolower($encoding) == 'utf-8') { //utf8编码 n = 0;tn = 0;noc = 0;while ($n < strlen($string)) { t = ord($string[$n]);if($t == 9 || $t == 10 || (32 <= $t && $t <= 126)) { tn = 1;n++;noc++;} elseif(194 <= $t ...
return preg_replace($safe, 'hacker', $string); } public function __tostring() { return __class__; } } session_start(); $user = new user(); $user->connect($config); update.php <?php require_once('class.php'); if($_SESSION['username'] == null) { ...
('location'=>$target,'user_agent'=>'wupco^^Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded^^'.join('^^',$headers).'^^Content-Length: '.(string)strlen($post_data).'^^^'.$post_data,'uri'=>'test'));$b=serialize($a);$b=str_replace('^^',"\n\r",$b);echo$b;$c=unserializ...