ror edx, 8After this operation: edx = 0x6c1bf561 (binary: 1101100000110111111010101100001)But your code returns 0x0d9bf561 (binary: 1101100110111111010101100001)In order to get the right value you have to add the leading zeros by adding that line with strpad() (see above). Very important!
Alternatively, you can also use thestr_pad()function to pad numbers with leading zeros. But this function can’t be used to pad negative numbers as shown below: <?php// 👇 6 digit pad numbersprintstr_pad(1234,6,0,STR_PAD_LEFT);// 001234printPHP_EOL;// 👇 8 digit pad numberspr...
在这种方法中,我们将使用左填充从左侧填充字符串。pad_type将为 STR_PAD_LEFT,pad_string将等同于“0”。长度等于原始字符串的长度加上我们希望以数字开头的零的数量。 PHP 输出 OriginalString2222ModifiedString00002222 方法4:使用格式说明符printf()/sprintf() ...
echo"Known format : '{$format}' = ",str_pad("'{$value}'",$maxValueLength)," ({$strftimeFormats[$format]})\n"; } // Report unknown formats. foreach(array_diff_key($strftimeFormats,$strftimeValues) as$format=>$description){
A little useful little function that returns a binary string with leading 0s:function d2b($n) { return str_pad(decbin($n), 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);}// example:echo d2b(E_ALL);echo d2b(E_ALL | E_STRICT);echo d2b(0xAA55);echo d2b(5);Output:0111011111111111011111111111111110101010010...
首先肯定是从 C 语言就继承来的 sprintf 这个格式化函数。...既然都是字符串格式化,我们借助 PHP 提供的字符串补全函数 str_pad,也可以达到相同的效果。...上述代码在 PHP 5.3 的基准测试中,结果是这样的: str_pad : 0.286863088608 sprintf : 0.234171152115 可以看到,在较为频繁地使用前导处理时,格式化函数.....
echo "Unknown format : '{$format}' ", str_pad(' ', $maxValueLength), ($description ? " ( {$description} )" : ''), "\n"; } ?> 下面是其他网友的补充 php strftime()的使用 string strftime ( string format[,inttimestamp = time() ] ) ...
$archives[] ='';foreach($resultsas$result) {// add leading zeros$result->month = str_pad($result->month,2,0, STR_PAD_LEFT);// what format do we want to show the month in?if($full_names) { $display_month = HabariDateTime::date_create()->set_date($result->year, $result->mo...
$zeros = str_pad('', $num_zeros, '0');// strip decimal from num, e.g. 1.6 => 16if($dec_pos !== false) $num = str_replace('.', '', $num);// if positive exponent, return like 1600000if($exp_sign === '+') return $num_sign.$num.$zeros;...
<?phpfunction strftimeu($format, $microtime){ if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*\\.([0-9]+)$/', $microtime, $reg)) { $decimal = substr(str_pad($reg[1], 6, "0"), 0, 6); } else { $decimal = "000000"; } $format = preg_replace('/(%f)/', $decimal, $format); return strf...