绕过echo system("echo \"$_GET[str]\";"); 执行命令加上反引号``cat /flag\ "双引号闭合+|分割(或&后台&&判读均要转码) 绕过符号 $_GET[str]=str_replace(array("`","$","(",")",";","&","|","<"),"",$_GET[str]); %0A 截断111"%0Acat %2fflag " 绕过关键字替换 $str=str_...
axublog后台验证函数绕过 验证方式 在axublog中的后台验证函数是chkadcookie(),代码如下: function chkadcookie() { @$file = "../cache/txtchkad.txt"; //定义文件 @$fp = fopen($file, "r"); //以写入方式打开文件 @$txtchkad = fread($fp, 4096); //读取文件内容 $txtchkad2 = str_repla...
$output = str_replace('{title}', $item['title'], $template); $output = str_replace('{content}', $item['content'], $output); echo $output; } ?> 在上面的示例代码中,我们使用数组来存储每个条目的标题和内容。定义了一个 HTML 模板,其中使用了 {title} 和 {content} 作为占位符。在循环中...
$data = str_replace('forfun', chr(0)."*".chr(0), $data); return $data; } function checkData($data){ if(stristr($data, 'username')!==False&&stristr($data, 'password')!==False){ die("fuc*** hacker!!!\n"); } else{ return...
('nonono!');}else{return$data;}}$a ='O:4:"test":1:{s:1:"a";s:3:"abc";}';// +号绕过$b = str_replace('O:4','O:+4', $a);unserialize(match($b));// 将对象放入数组绕过 serialize(array($a));unserialize('a:1:{i:0;O:...
parse_str(str_replace("{chr}",chr($i),$arg)."=bla",$o); /* yes... I've added a sleep time on each loop just for the scenic effect :) like that movie with unrealistic brute-force where the password are obtained one byte at a time (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ ...
$_REQUEST['id'] = str_replace($value,'',$_REQUEST['id']); } echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> 0x03 正则匹配 1、边界关键词 \b 表示单词的边界,因此只有独立的 "union" 单词会被匹配 PHP过滤代码如下: if (preg_match("/\b(union|select|from)\b/i",$_GET['id'])==1){ ...
parse_str(str_replace("{chr}",chr($i),$arg)."=bla",$o); /* yes... I've added a sleep time on each loop just for the scenic effect :) like that movie with unrealistic brute-force where the password are obtained one byte at a time (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ ...
<?php foreach( [ "{chr}foo_bar", "foo{chr}bar", "foo_bar{chr}" ] as $k => $arg) { for($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) { echo "\033[999D\033[K\r"; echo "[".$arg."] check ".bin2hex(chr($i)).""; parse_str(str_replace("{chr}",chr($i),$arg)."=bla",$o); /* ...