1. Sort Array of Strings in Ascending Order In the following example, we will take an array of strings, and sort the array in ascending order lexicographically usingsort()function. PHP Program </> Copy <?php $names = array("banana", "cherry", "apple", "mango"); printf("Original Array...
1. sort()函数:sort()函数按照升序对数组进行排序。它会修改原数组,并返回成功与否的结果。 “` $array = array(4, 2, 1, 3); sort($array); print_r($array); // 输出:Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 ) “` 2. rsort()函数:rsort()函数按照降序对数组进行排序。
此参数可以和array1_sort_flags互换,也可以完全删除,默认是SORT_ASC。 array1_sort_flags 为array参数设定选项: 排序类型标志: SORT_REGULAR- 将项目按照通常方法比较(不修改类型) SORT_NUMERIC- 按照数字大小比较 SORT_STRING- 按照字符串比较 SORT_LOCALE_STRING- 根据当前的本地化设置,按照字符串比较。 它会使...
Commenting on note http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.sort.php#62311 :Sorting an array of objects will not always yield the results you desire.As pointed out correctly in the note above, sort() sorts the array by value of the first member variable. However, you can not always assume...
The strnatcmp ("natural order" string comparison) function is handy here as it can be applied to numbers as well as strings. Below we will explore using a single function to sort by different fields by specifying the sort field in the function call. The comparison function can also be ...
<?phpsort($files);print_r($files);?> 因为array 中的值可以为任意值,也可是另一个 array。这样可以产生递归或多维 array。 示例#17 递归和多维数组 <?php$fruits = array ( "fruits" => array ( "a" => "orange", "b" => "banana", "c" => "apple" ), "numbers" => array ( 1,...
array( 1, 2, "2", 3, 1) );array_multisort($ar[0], SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $ar[1], SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC);var_dump($ar);?> In this example, after sorting, the first array will transform to "10", 100, 100, 11, "a" (it was sorted as strings in ascending order). Th...
bitOp - Perform bitwise operations between strings decr, decrBy - Decrement the value of a key get - Get the value of a key getEx - Get the value of a key and set its expiration getBit - Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key getRange - Get a substring...
The parameters of thesort()function: arrayis an input array modeis an optional parameter, its default value is 0, it has following values: 0 - It is used to compare items normally 1 - It is used to compare items numerically 2 - It is used to compare items as strings ...