$table->setSql('SELECT * FROM '. sql::table('media_cat') .' WHERE pid = '. $pid .' ORDER BY sort ASC');if(in_array($action, ['edit','add']) && dyn::get('user')->hasPerm('media[category][edit]')) {echo'<form method="post" action="index.php">'; $inputHidden = fo...
sort - Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set ttl, pttl - Get the time to live for a key restore - Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained with dump. get Description: Get the value related to the specified key Parameters key Return value String or...
创建多元索引时,需要指定数据表名称(table_name)、多元索引名称(index_name)和索引的结构信息(schema),其中schema包含field_schemas(Index的所有字段的设置)、index_setting(索引设置)和index_sort(索引预排序设置)。详细参数说明请参见下表。 参数 说明 table_name 数据表名称。 index_name 多元索引名称。 field_sch...
For the table column icons, refer to the Possible icon combinations for columns chapter. Hide, sort, filter, and group tree objects using the tree objects view options in the View Options menu. In PhpStorm, each table opens in a separate tab. The following rules are applied to long tab ...
array_multisort($ar[0],SORT_ASC,SORT_STRING, $ar[1],SORT_NUMERIC,SORT_DESC); var_dump($ar); ?> 本例中在排序后,第一个数组将变成 "10",100,100,11,"a"(被当作字符串以升序排列)。第二个数组将包含 1, 3, "2", 2, 1(被当作数字以降序排列)。
在下文中一共展示了DataTable::sort方法的1个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的PHP代码示例。 示例1: filter ▲点赞 6▼ /** * See {@linkSort}. * *@paramDataTable $table ...
The optional $where parameter of the on clause has been removed. To add a "where" conditions you should explicitly use one of the where methods offered by the query builder:$query->join('table', function ($join) { $join->on('foo', 'bar')->where('bar', 'baz'); });...
Output elements from a multidimensional arrayLoop through a multidimensional array Multidimensional Arrays explained PHP Sorting Arrays sort() - Sort array in ascending alphabetical ordersort() - Sort array in ascending numerical orderrsort() - Sort array in descending alphabetical orderrsort() - Sort...
<?php$sec="ailx10,ailx12,ailx13,ailx11";$hack=explode(",",$sec);sort($hack);$sec2=implode(",",$hack);print"排序前:".$sec."\n";print"排序后:".$sec2; 如果数组是关联数组,可以调用 asort 函数,它是按照value进行排序的,依然非常简单~ ...