phpfunctionshowIPAddress(){$variableIndex=array("HTTP_CLIENT_IP","HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR","HTTP_X_FORWARDED","HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR","HTTP_FORWARDED","REMOTE_ADDR");for($i=0;$i<count($variableIndex);$i++) {if(!isset($ipAddress)) {if(array_key_exists($variableIndex[$i],$_SERVER)) {...
可以通过将IP数据库导入到PHP中,并使用相关函数来查询所在地IP信息。示例: “`php $ip = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]; $db = new SQLite3(‘ip.db’); $sql = “SELECT country, city FROM ip_table WHERE ip_address = ‘”.$ip.”‘”; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = $result->fetc...
print"Your IP address is ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?> will display the visitor IP address to the visitor himself. If you want to record this IP address insert the value into the database. To know your web server’s IP address using PHP use the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] variable. ...
在这个代码中,我们使用了$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]来获取当前用户的IP地址,并将其保存在名为$ip的变量中。 步骤三:输出IP地址 最后,我们可以使用echo语句将获取的IP地址输出到屏幕上: “`php echo ‘Your IP address is: ‘ . $ip; “` 在这个代码中,我们使用了echo语句将字符串’Your IP address is: ...
functionget_real_ip(){ $ip=false; if(!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])){ $ip=$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ips=explode(", ",$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); if($ip) {array_unshift($ips,$ip);$ip= FALSE; } ...
A single line of PHP script is sufficient to get IP address using PHP, ‘most of the times’. First I will present that one line PHP code, then show a tiny function which almost covers the rest of the cases. Followed by a discussion on privacy issues to get the IP address. ...
If the URL is too long because of the query string, you can use the dedicated context action to put each query parameter on a new line. Place the caret at the query string part, pressAltEnter(Show Context Actions), and selectPut query parameters on separate lines. ...
//删除了位置信息,不知道在哪插入的address表???//if ($where_tweak == "yes") { //add by lwenxu get data from addr table // tr_small($lang_userdetails['row_last_seen_location'], $user[page], 1); // get_ip_location(''); /...
在浏览器中访问: 就可看到你的外网IP 和所在省市 返回内容为:var IPData = new Array("","","陕西省","西安市"); 使用方法 <scriptsrc="" charset="gb2312"></script> ...
The hostname (domain name) or the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the computer where the database is located. If the database is on your local computer, specify localhost or If you are using SSH, the database host must be accessible by the specified domain name or IP addres...