第一章,设置环境,介绍了如何设置不同的开发环境,包括在 Windows、不同的 Linux 发行版上安装 NGINX、PHP 7 和 Percona Server,以及为开发目的设置 Vagrant 虚拟机。 第二章,PHP 7 的新特性,介绍了 PHP 7 引入的主要新特性,包括类型提示、组使用声明、匿名类和新操作符,如太空船操作符、空合并操作符和统一变...
Instead of providing exclusive access to a single party, they provide access to a limited set of N parties at the same time. This makes them great to control concurrency, e.g. limiting an HTTP client to X concurrent requests, so the HTTP server doesn't get overwhelmed. ...
Set the isolation level for database transactions and the mode of how the transactions are committed. Auto: the current transaction is committed automatically when you submit your local changes to the database server. Manual: changes submitted to the database server are accumulated in a transaction...
Removes a variable from the request's mutable local storage. public function getTrailers(): Trailers Allows access to the Trailers of a request. public function setTrailers(Trailers $trailers): void Assigns the Trailers object to be used in the request. Request Clients Client-related details are...
When sending JSON requests to your application, you may access the JSON data via the input method as long as the Content-Type header of the request is properly set to application/json. You may even use "dot" syntax to retrieve values that are nested within JSON arrays:...
The Local Driver When using thelocaldriver, note that all file operations are relative to therootdirectory defined in your configuration file. By default, this value is set to thestorage/appdirectory. Therefore, the following method would store a file instorage/app/file.txt: ...
'ApiSetPageLanguage' => __DIR__ . '/includes/api/ApiSetPageLanguage.php', 'ApiStashEdit' => __DIR__ . '/includes/api/ApiStashEdit.php', 'ApiTag' => __DIR__ . '/includes/api/ApiTag.php', 'ApiUnblock' => __DIR__ . '/includes/api/ApiUnblock.php', ...
4. 解压编译openssl# 解压下载好的openssl源码包并进入其目录tar -zxvf openssl-1.1.1t.tar.gzmvopenssl-1.1.1t /usr/local/openssl # 进入解压后的openssl 文件夹cd/usr/local/ openssl #将openssl 安装在/usr/local/ openssl ./config threads zlib shared enable-camellia# 进行编译安装make && make install...
For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com. $endpoint = "yourEndpoint"; // Specify the name of the bucket. Example: examplebucket. $bucket= "examplebucket"; // Specify the full path of the object...
snmp_set_oid_output_format snmp_set_quick_print snmp_set_valueretrieval snmpget snmpgetnext snmprealwalk snmpset snmpwalk snmpwalkoid SPL 数据结构 SplObjectStorage 迭代器 AppendIterator ArrayIterator CachingIterator DirectoryIterator EmptyIterator FilterIterator InfiniteIterator IteratorIterator LimitIterator ...