SAPI: Fixed GH-11141 (Could not open input file: should be sent to stderr). Session: Fixed bug GH-11529 (Crash after dealing with an Apache request). SimpleXML: Fixed bug GH-12192 (SimpleXML infinite loop when getName() is called within foreach). Fixed bug GH-12208 (SimpleXML infinit...
$v->set('first_session_dayofyear', $event->get('dayofyear')); $v->set('first_session_timestamp', $event->get('timestamp')); $ret = $v->create();if($ret) {returnOWA_EHS_EVENT_HANDLED; }else{returnOWA_EHS_EVENT_FAILED; } }else{ owa_coreAPI::debug("Not persisting. Visitor al...
// index.php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // some code // then you probably have something that tells you who the current role is of the person // likely you have something where you pull the current role // from a session variable which defines this // after someone logs in, othe...
<?phpuseSolidWorx\Toggler\Storage\EnvStorage;useSolidWorx\Toggler\Toggle;$toggle=newToggle(newEnvStorage());$toggle->isActive('MY_AWESOME_FEATURE');// true if the environment variable MY_AWESOME_FEATURE is set to a truthy value YAML
1. We stop it from being instantiated – which means we do not need a private __construct() or a static getInstance() method, and 2. We can use it for polymorphic behavior. In our case here, that means “__construct”, “__toString” and “compare” will be called for all ...
(TEST_MAYBE, "no implicit lifetime for session cookie."); } break; case 'session.referer_check': if ($v === "") { list($result, $reason) = array(TEST_COMMENT, "referer check not activated."); } break; case 'session.use_strict_mode': if ($v != "1") { list($result, $...
The problem is that your posted vars do not carry over from page to page. They are only passed to the page from the initial form submission. To keep them persisting, you need to either make them session variables or else add them to the links to be passed through the url and retrieved...
sessionAffinity: ClientIP sessionAffinityConfig: clientIP: timeoutSeconds: 10800 回到顶部 2.k8s 基于StatefulSet运行mysql 一主多从 数据通过pv/pvc结合NFS服务器持久化 基于StatefulSet实现,StatefulSet适合管理所有有状态的服务,比如Mysql、MongoDB集群等。
1. k8s 运行Redis 服务 数据数据通过pv/pvc结合NFS服务器持久化 1.1 构建redis镜像 (1)文件准备 root@deploy:/tdq/k8s-data/dockerfile/web/magedu# tree redis/redis/ ├── Dockerfile ├── ├── redis-4.0.14.tar.gz
You need to start your sessionbeforesending any output to the browser. A while back, I was discussing the basics ofhow HTTP actually works— might be helpful for you. In general, to avoid problems like this (and others; e.g., error handling), I like to make sure all of my “busines...