如果在使用的过程中没有继承的话,两者是没有区别的,都是返回当前方法所在类的实例 //democlassbaba{functiontest1(){returnnewself();//返回类baba的实例}functiontest1(){returnnewstatic();//返回类baba的实例}} 有继承的情况下,self()返回父类的实例,static()返回继承父类的子类的实例。 //democlassbabaex...
Changes for static anlaysis improvements, and various other internal … May 19, 2023 View all files Repository files navigation README MIT license MathPHP - Powerful Modern Math Library for PHP The only library you need to integrate mathematical functions into your applications. It is a self-conta...
https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000002468880 new static($user) vs new self classA {publicstaticfunctionget_self() {returnnewself(); }publicstaticfunctionget_static() {returnnewstatic(); } }classBextendsA {}echoget_class(B::get_self());//Aechoget_class(B::get_static());//Bechoget_cl...
💊 The web installer for Nextcloud. Contribute to nextcloud/web-installer development by creating an account on GitHub.
(); // echo 1 trait StaticExample { public static function doSomething() { return 'Doing something'; } } class Example { use StaticExample; } Example::doSomething(); trait StaticExample { public static $static = 'foo'; } class Example { use StaticExample; } echo Example::$static; ...
isset($this->_value) || is_nan($this->_value)) { 4 return static::of(); // empty container } 5 else { 6 return static::of(call_user_func($f, $this->_value)); 7 } 8 } 9 } It looks very simple, but the effect of this wrapper type is incredible; most things in ...
self::notice($operation, $noticedata_send, $noticeid); return 1; } else { return 0; } } 调用insert写入数据。。这里就不跟了。由于系统开启了gpc(两次,初始化一次,phpsso一次),所以进去的数据是经过两次gpc的 输出跟模板就不说了,反正没过滤直接出来 ...
*/ public static function getPhoneDevices() { return self::$phoneDevices; } /** * Retrieve the list of known tablet devices.* * @return array List of tablet devices.*/ public static function getTabletDevices() { return self::$tabletDevices; ...
With this attribute, you can specify which values a function accepts as parameters and which it can return. This is similar to what theexpectedArguments()function could do in.phpstorm.meta.php, except that the meta version is more like a completion adversary. The attribute, by contrast, assum...
($name)) {return $this->data;} elseif (array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) {return $this->data[$name];} elseif (array_key_exists($name, $this->relation)) {return $this->relation[$name];}throw new InvalidArgumentException('property not exists:' . static::class . '->' . ...