CREATE TABLE `ip_address` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `count` INT(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 2. 获取客户端IP地址 使用PHP的`$_SERVER`全局变量可以获取到客户端的IP地址。可以使用`$_SERVER[‘REMOTE...
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 COMMENT=’运用者的留言’ AUTO_INCREMENT=69 ; grant all privileges on ch3.* to ‘sectop’@localhost identified by ’123456′; //add.php 插入留言 //list.php 留言列表 //show.php 显示留言 页面
CREATEDATABASEphp_mysql_replication; use php_mysql_replication;CREATETABLEtest4(idintNOT NULLAUTO_INCREMENT, dataVARCHAR(255), data2VARCHAR(255),PRIMARY KEY(id));INSERT INTOtest4 (data,data2)VALUES("Hello","World");UPDATEtest4SETdata="World", data2="Hello"WHEREid=1;DELETEFROMtest4WHEREid=...
In a MySQL back-end, again, this would be the auto-incrementing primary key. The getAuthPassword should return the user's hashed password. This interface allows the authentication system to work with any User class, regardless of what ORM or storage abstraction layer you are using. By ...
$table->bigIncrements('id');Auto-incrementing UNSIGNED BIGINT (primary key) equivalent column. $table->bigInteger('votes');BIGINT equivalent column. $table->binary('data');BLOB equivalent column. $table->boolean('confirmed');BOOLEAN equivalent column. ...
Clear all peer-specific autosave settings: account.deleteAutoSaveExceptions Clear bot commands for the specified bot scope and language code: bots.resetBotCommands Clear recent stickers: messages.clearRecentStickers Clear recently used message reactions: messages.clearRecentReactions Clear saved payment info...
If the second argument is filled, it will be used as the integer value of the increment. Parameters key value: value that will be added to key (only for incrBy) Return value INT the new value Examples $redis->incr('key1'); /* key1 didn't exists, set to 0 before the increment *...
public array $typeMap = [ \yii\db\sqlite\Schema::TYPE_PK => 'integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL', \yii\db\sqlite\Schema::TYPE_UPK => 'integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL', \yii\db\sqlite\Schema::TYPE_BIGPK => 'integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL', \yii\db\...
if($value['increment']) { $increment = ' AUTO_INCREMENT'; } else { $increment = ''; } $sql .= "`{$value['name']}` {$value['type']}{$length}{$signed}{$null}{$default}{$increment},\n"; } foreach ($schema['indexes'] as $value) { ...