1.一次性读取文件中的所有内容: include'vendor/autoload.php';$parser=new\Smalot\PdfParser\Parser();$pdf=$parser->parseFile('document.pdf');$text=$pdf->getText();//将所有内容读取到一个字符串中echo$text; 2.分页读取: include'vendor/autoload.php'; $parser=new\Smalot\PdfParser\Parser();$pdf...
1.一次性读取文件中的所有内容: include'vendor/autoload.php';$parser=new\Smalot\PdfParser\Parser();$pdf=$parser->parseFile('document.pdf');$text=$pdf->getText();//将所有内容读取到一个字符串中echo$text; 2.分页读取: include'vendor/autoload.php'; $parser=new\Smalot\PdfParser\Parser();$pdf...
$parser = new \Smalot\PdfParser\Parser(); // 调用解析方法,参数为pdf文件路径,返回结果为Document类对象 $document = $parser->parseFile($path); // 获取所有的页 $pages = $document->getPages(); // // 逐页提取文本 $text = ”; foreach($pages as $page){ $text.= $page->getText(); ...
使用pdfparser对PDF转换成文本形式,转换后没有格式。 原始PDF: 转换成文本: 第一步:安装pdfparser composer require smalot/pdfparser 1. 第二步:使用 $parser = new \Smalot\PdfParser\Parser(); $pdf = $parser->parseFile('C:/Users/Think/Downloads/22.pdf'); $text = $pdf->getText(); echo $te...
Smile-PDFParser:一个简单的解析器工具,用于将pdf文档解析为txt Smile-PDFParser 一个简单的解析器工具,用于将pdf文档解析为txt。 上传者:weixin_42130786时间:2021-05-25 Python库 | pdfparser-rossum-1.3.1.tar.gz 资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:pdfparser-rossum-1.3.1.tar.gz 资源来源:官方...
PdfParser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file. - pdfparser/.php_cs at master · qidouhai/pdfparser
PdfParser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file. - GitHub - BrockLee/pdfparser: PdfParser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file.
Dompdf is a PHP library that allows you to convert HTML documents to PDF format. It is open source and is based on the PHP DOM extension. It uses the CSS Parser to convert CSS styles into inline style attributes and also supports a variety of HTML features, including tables, images, and...
function stringParser($string,$replacer){ $result = str_replace(array_keys($replacer), array_values($replacer),$string); return $result; } 使用方法如下: $string = 'The {b}anchor text{/b} is the {b}actual word{/b} or words used {br}to describe the link {br}itself'; ...
PHP Domain Parser- A domain suffix parser library. Purl- A URL manipulation library. sabre/uri- A functional URI manipulation library. Uri- Another URL manipulation library. Email Libraries for sending and parsing email. CssToInlineStyles- A library to inline CSS in email templates. ...