Use PHP Variables between pages: Session, URL, or Get Guest Jun 12, 2009 Copy link to clipboard Hi, For our association, I have developed a registration page. The registration pages insert a record into a mysql database, using php. After the user submits the form (using ...
78) What does the scope of variables mean? The scope of a variable is the context within which it is defined. For the most part, all PHP variables only have a single scope. This single scope spans included and required files as well. 79) what the difference between the ‘BITWISE AND’...
If I do use the array_map technique to pass the checkbox values, do you know if I can use multiple $_POST[‘’] variables in the array_map function? My form has checkboxes with different names, for example, name=“price” and name=“colour” ?
If passing values between triggers and Dynaforms, make sure that the case variable name in the trigger is spelled the same as the variable name used in the Dynaform field. ProcessMaker case variables are stored separately from normal PHP variables, so a trigger with $myVar and @@myVar would...
; variables ($HTTP_*_VARS). Instead, use the superglobals that were ; introduced in PHP 4.1.0 ;– display_errors = Off [Security] ; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of ; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and ...
If it's not your server and therefore you want to hide the data in your session variables from other users, it�s very useful to set the session.save_handler in your scripts to shared memory with: <?php ini_set('session.save_handler','mm');?> ...
56. Differentiate between variables and constants in PHP. VariableConstant Variables can have changed pathsConstants cannot be changed The default scope is the current access scopeConstants can be accessed throughout without any scoping rules The $ assignment is used for definitionConstants are defined ...
If you need to evaluate several variables to find the first one with an actual value, TRUE for instance. You can do it this was. There is probably a better way but it has worked out well for me. switch (true) { case (X != 1): ...
Example 4-3. Literals and variables <?php $myname = "Brian"; $myage = 37; echo "a: " . 73 . ""; // Numeric literal echo "b: " . "Hello" . ""; // String literal echo "c: " . FALSE . ""; // Constant literal echo "d: " . $myname . ""; // String variable ech...
there is no implicit sharing between them. if you want to share then you have to 'fake' a state-ful connection through the use of session elements or by passing variables in a query string or hidden html form. There is (little) no alternative. if you are referring to 'pages' as php...