$recipients = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($recipientsString, $element);returnarray_unique(ArrayHelper::filterEmptyStringsFromArray(ArrayHelper::stringToArray($recipients))); }catch(\Exception$e) {throw$e; } }// Just a regular CSV listif(!empty($recipientsString)) {returnArrayHelper::...
2. Parse comma separated numbers in string into array In the following example, we take a CSV String which contains some numbers separated by comma, and parse it into an array usingstr_getcsv()function. The resulting array is still a string array, we may need to convert it to numeric ar...
separator: Required. Specifies where to break the string. If this is an empty string,explode()will returnfalse. string: Required. The string to split. limit: Optional. Specifies the maximum number of array elements to return. If limit is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of li...
*/publicfunctionparseString($str){if(!is_string($str)) {returnnull; } $lines = Strings::toArray($str); $data =array(); $header =array(); $numLine = ($this->headers ==true) ?-1:0;foreach($linesas$line) { $cols =$this->parseLine($line);if($numLine >=0) { $data[$num...
str_shuffle(string);用途:随机的打乱字符串中所有字符>>例子:echo str_shuffle("HELLO");输出: LOLEHparse_str(string[,array]);//说明:如果array不声明,变量将以变量形式存在,如遇变量名同名则覆盖用途:将字符串解析成变量>>例子:parse_str("id=23&name=John%20Adams",$myArray);...
Parse strings between two others in to array. <?php function g($string,$start,$end){ preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($start, '/') . '(.*?)'. preg_quote($end, '/').'/i', $string, $m); $out = array(); foreach($m[1] as $key => $value){ $type = explode(':...
sscanf() Parses input from a string according to a format str_getcsv() Parses a CSV string into an array str_ireplace() Replaces some characters in a string (case-insensitive) str_pad() Pads a string to a new length str_repeat() Repeats a string a specified number of times str_rep...
代码语言:php 复制 array explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX ] ) 参数说明: delimiter:指定的分隔符,可以是一个字符串或者是一个包含多个分隔符的数组。 string:要拆分的字符串。 limit(可选):指定返回的数组元素的最大数目。 explode()函数将返回一个数组,...
[2] => three )Array( [0] => one [1] => two,three )Array( [0] => one [1] => two [2] => three ) 2. 用字符串连接数组元素 implode支持将数组元素拼接成字符串:implode(string$separator, array$array): string 举例: <?php/* implode */$array= ['one','two','three'];print_r...
parse_str用于get、post和cookie。如果您的Web服务器接受带有点或空格的标头名称,则标头也会发生类似的情况。 我执行了三次上面的循环过程,在参数名的两端枚举了从0到255的所有字符,结果如下: [1st]foo_bar foo[2nd]bar foo_bar[3rd] 在上面的例子中,foo%20bar和foo+bar是等效的,被解析为foo bar。