Output: Console: Hello World!Console: 1,2,3 We can use thejson_encode()function along with the JavaScriptconsole.log()to write to the console in PHP. Thejson_ecode()function converts the given associative array into a JSON object and indexed array into a JSON array. We can use the fun...
];// 通常无需传入 $input $output ,会自动创建// $app = new \Inhere\Console\Application($meta, $input, $output);$app =new\Inhere\Console\Application($meta);// 注册命令$app->command(DemoCommand::class);// 注册命令组$app->addGroup(MyController::class);// ... ...// run$app->run...
publicfunction__construct($input = null, $output= null, $name = null){$this->input = $input ?: Console::input();$this->output= $output?: Console::output();if(!isset($this->name)) {if(empty($name)) { $classPath = explode('\\', get_class($this)); $name = preg_replace('...
Console::output("Currently waiting exports:");/**@varActiveQuery $exportRequests */$requestsQuery = ExportRequest::find()->where(['is_exported'=>0])->orderBy(['created_at'=> SORT_ASC]);foreach($requestsQuery->each()as$exportRequest) {/**@varExportRequest $exportRequest */Console::ou...
If you would like to display plain, uncolored console output, use thelinemethod: $this->line('Display this on the screen'); Table Layouts Thetablemethod makes it easy to correctly format multiple rows / columns of data. Just pass in the headers and rows to the method. The width and hei...
Console Console Last modified: 11 November 2024 File | Settings | Editor | General | Consolefor Windows and Linux PhpStorm | Settings | Editor | General | Consolefor macOS CtrlAlt0S Use this page to configure how PhpStorm displays console output. These settings control folding, wrapping, ...
上述代码将在PHP中运行JavaScript代码,并将输出存储在$output数组中。在本例中,输出将是”Hello, World!”。 2. 使用PHP的eval()函数:eval()函数允许我们在PHP中执行任意的字符串作为PHP代码。我们可以将JavaScript代码作为字符串传递给eval()函数,并按照需要处理JavaScript的输出。例如: ...
If you want to display plain console output, use thelinemethod. Thelinemethod does not receive any unique coloration: $this->line('Display this on the screen'); Table Layouts Thetablemethod makes it easy to correctly format multiple rows / columns of data. Just pass in the headers and row...
xdebug.profiler_output_dir="D:/phpstudy_pro/Extensions/php_log/php7.4.3nts.xdebug.profiler";xdebug.remote_enable=yes xdebug.mode=debug xdebug.start_with_request=yes xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote_port=9003xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp ...
$output = exec(‘node -e “‘.$jsCode.'”‘); echo $output; “` 4. 使用Selenium WebDriver:Selenium WebDriver是一种自动化测试工具,可以模拟浏览器环境,并执行JavaScript代码。首先需要安装Selenium WebDriver,并启动相应的浏览器驱动(如Chrome Driver)。然后使用PHP的Selenium WebDriver库来执行JavaScript,并获...