printf("With 2 decimals: %1$.2f <br>With no decimals: %1$u",$number); ?> 运行实例 » 实例3 所有可能的格式值的演示: <?php $num1 = 123456789; $num2 = -123456789; $char = 50; // The ASCII Character 50 is 2 // Note: The format value "%%" returns a percent sign ...
The following code shows how to round numbers to two decimals. Example //w w w.j av a 2 s .c om <?php echo(round(4.96754,2) . "<br>"); echo(round(7.045,2) . "<br>"); echo(round(7.055,2)); ?> The code above generates the following result.Next...
默认用四舍五入方式 * setScale(1,BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)直接删除多余的小数位,如2.35会变成2.3...
$number =123; $txt = vsprintf("With 2 decimals: %1\$.2f <br>With no decimals: %1\$u",array($number)); echo$txt; ?> Try it Yourself » Example Using sprintf() to demonstrate all possible format values: <?php $num1 =123456789; ...
International format (Germany) with 2 decimals: <?php $number =1234.56; setlocale(LC_MONETARY,"de_DE"); echomoney_format("%.2n", $number); ?> The output of the code above will be: 1 234,56 EUR Example Negative number, US national format with () to indicate negative numbers and 2...
...Example: php $number = 123; printf("With 2 decimals: %1\$.2fbr />With no decimals: %1\$u",$number 1.7K70 echo -ne(echo line) echo [-ne][字符串]或 echo [--help][--version] 补充说明:echo会将输入的字符串送往标准输出。输出的字符串间以空白字符隔开, 并在最后加上换行号。
("DecimalPlaces"=> $numDigits); $stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $query,array(), $options); sqlsrv_execute($stmt);if(sqlsrv_fetch($stmt)) { $field = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt,0);echo$field;// expect a numeric value string with 2 decimal places} sqlsrv_free_stmt($stmt); sqlsrv_...
了解如何在使用 Microsoft SQLSRV Driver for PHP for SQL Server 时使用 FormatDecimals 和 DecimalPlaces 选项来格式化十进制字符串或货币值。
$Rema=$Rema2=array(); // we start by making a $Len1 by $Len2 table (array) for($y=$i=0;$y<$Len1;$y++) for($x=0;$x<$Len2;$x++) // we use the classic lattice method for calculating the multiplication.. // this will multiply each number in $Num1 with each number in...
语法:number_format(number,decimals,decimalpoint,separator) number——必需。要格式化的数字。如果未设置其他参数,则数字会被格式化为不带小数点且以逗号 (,) 作为分隔符。 decimals——可选。规定多少个小数。如果设置了该参数,则使用点号 (.) 作为小数点来格式化数字。