A couple other notes: changing localhost to has no effect nginx is configured with fastcgi_pass and returns HTTP 502 Bad Gateway to the client Member devnexen commented Feb 7, 2024 Ok thanks I ll have a better look some time this week. devnexen self-assigned th...
<refsect1 role="notes"> &reftitle.notes; <note> <simpara> Дляпроверкитого, чтообъектреализуетинтерфейс, следуетиспользовать &instanceof;илифункцию <function>is_a</function>. </simpara> </note>...
$data =array('name'=>$this->input->post('name',true),'email'=>$this->input->post('email',true),'subject'=>'New Form Submission','notes'=>$this->input->post('message',true)); $message =$this->load->view('emails/contact', $data,true); $to = CNF_EMAIL; $subject ='New Fo...
}if(get_value('disable_staff_notes') !=='1') { $fields->attach(form_input_text(do_lang_tempcode('NOTES'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NOTES'),'notes', $notes,false)); }if(has_specific_permission(get_member(),'bypass_validation_midrange_content','cms_banners')) {if($validated ...
tagged value notes for 'ViewProperties': Code: [Select]<modelview> </modelview>I clean this with some .replace(), and find the (#Branch='{026F2261-BCA1-4d77-B6F0-204F9E5C0B22}'#) with regex, and also the {026F2261-BCA1-4d77-B6F0-204F9E5C0B22} which I use as input to the...
A few other notes, the first is very important: Your script is vulnerable to email header injection (search that term). By putting the email value directly in an email header an attacker could pass in their own email headers and use your form and your server to send out spam to their ...
I took a look in windows updates but couldn't pinpoint anything specific but it will not be the first time that something changed and it is not in the release notes. All in all I start to suspect the GPU, it is long overdue for an upgrade but didn't...
Description: SnapShop is barcode scanner for the iphone.Size: 508444View in: CydiaDownload: .deb How to install "SnapShop" More detail Currently 1.30/5 1 2 3 4 5 Rating: 1.3/5 (23 votes cast) Section: ProductivityName: Universal SearchVersion: 1.08-1Updated: 2025-01-18Price: $...
://notes.io/VwY6 ://paste2.org/b7z4c1IU ://js.do/code/fxnebvrixv ://pastebin.com/kkvg72cp ://slexy.org/view/s2DApgKpYF ://quentin0089.murties.com/wb-19-napusteni-s-prevodom-720p-avi-streaming-a207489922 ://bulkdimaxnewhoo.website2.me/-qk-67--zamalo-vjenčani-hd-4k...