[PHP] 解决laravel : Target class [request] does not exist. 这个是因为bootstrap/cache目录不存在,或者权限不足的时候 无法写入自动加载映射文件的原因 创建这个目录给下权限,从新执行生成缓存映射文件的命令就可以了 composer dump-autoload 我出现这个的原因是,我提交到git版本库的时候,忽略了bootstrap/cache目录...
[PHP] 解决laravel : Target class [request] does not exist.,这个是因为bootstrap/cache目录不存在,或者权限不足的时候无法写入自动加载映射文件的原因创建这个目录给下权限,从新执行生成缓存映射文件的命令就可以了composerdump-autoload我出现这个的原因是,我提交到
报错Target class [App\\service\\AuthService] does not exist 1. 虽然开发环境能正常执行,上线之后就不能找到正确的类 原因是大小写不对 use App\service\AuthService; use App\Service\AuthService; 1. 2. 3.
简介:PHP: Laravel报错Target class [App\\service\\AuthService] does not exist 报错Target class [App\\service\\AuthService] does not exist 虽然开发环境能正常执行,上线之后就不能找到正确的类 原因是大小写不对 use App\service\AuthService;use App\Service\AuthService;...
Target class [view.engine.resolver] does not exist. at C:\Users\srall\Desktop\ecom\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php:811 807▕ 808▕ try { 809▕ $reflector = new ReflectionClass($concrete); 810▕ } catch (ReflectionException $e) { ➜ 811▕ throw new Binding...
By default, the Laravel application skeleton does not include the lang directory. If you would like to customize Laravel's language files, you may publish them via the lang:publish Artisan command.mix()The mix function returns the path to a versioned Mix file:$path = mix('css/app.css');...
When you start a new Laravel project, error and exception handling is already configured for you. TheApp\Exceptions\Handlerclass is where all exceptions thrown by your application are logged and then rendered to the user. We'll dive deeper into this class throughout this documentation. ...
也用laravel开发了几个项目了,有数据中台系统,crm系统,商城等,感觉用的比较舒服的点就是它的命令。我总结来下,我用到的命令大概有以下这些: 1、创建验证规则文件命令 php artisan make:rule Trim 创建规则文件如下图所示,可以在文件中编写自定义的规则,用于数据请求的校验 ...
Route::get('/barcode_qr_reader','App\Http\Controllers\ImageUploadController@page');Route::post('/barcode_qr_reader/upload','App\Http\Controllers\ImageUploadController@upload')->name('image.upload'); Step 5: Run the PHP Laravel Barcode QR Code Reader ...