$array[] = $value; } } return $array;}?>I use it to test an iterator: https://gist.github.com/jm42/cb328106f393eeb28751 up down 3 Harry Willis ¶ 9 years ago When using iterator_to_array() on an SplObjectStorage object, it's advisable to set $use_keys to false.The ...
iterator_to_array — 将迭代器中的元素拷贝到数组 array iterator_to_array ( Traversable $iterator [, bool $use_keys = true ] ) 1. iterator 被拷贝的迭代器。 2. use_keys 是否使用迭代器元素键作为索引。 3. 返回值 一个数组,包含迭代器中的元素。 $iterator = new ArrayIterator(array('recipe'=...
$array[$key] =$value; } else { $array[] =$value; } } return$array; } ?> I use it to test an iterator:https://gist.github.com/jm42/cb328106f393eeb28751 up down 3 Harry Willis¶ 9 years ago When using iterator_to_array() on an SplObjectStorage object, it's advisable to ...
<?php$iterator=newArrayIterator(array('recipe'=>'pancakes','egg','milk','flour'));var_dump(iterator_to_array($iterator,true));var_dump(iterator_to_array($iterator,false));?> The above example will output: array(4) { ["recipe"]=> string(8) "pancakes" [0]=> string(3) "egg" ...
ArrayIterator implement ArrayAccess, SeekableIterator, Countable, Searializable {} 而接下来要介绍的则是Iterator的更高一层用法。 与Iterator有关的函数先记录下 iterator_to_array() 把迭代器中的元素转换成数组 IteratorAggregate::getIterator() 调用一个外部迭代器 ...
print_r(iterator_to_array(IntlCalendar::getKeywordValuesForLocale('calendar','zh_CN',true)));// Array// (// [0] => gregorian// [1] => chinese// )print_r(iterator_to_array(IntlCalendar::getKeywordValuesForLocale('calendar','zh_CN',false)));// Array// (// [0] => gregorian/...
<?php $iterator = new ArrayIterator(['one', 'two', 'three']); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { echo "$key: $value (", iterator_count($iterator), ")\n"; }?> The above example will output: 代码语言:javascript 复制 0: one (3) ← iterator_apply iterator_to_array →...
Php ArrayIterator的几个常用方法 搜索商低..从php.net找到 ,自己翻译一下 总结在一起 rewind() 指针回到初始位置 valid() 判断数组当前指针下是否有元素 key() 数组键(元素 下标) current() 当前指针所指向的元素的值 next() 指针指向下一条记录(下一个数组元素)...
class SomeClass { public function run($iter1, $iter2) { - $values = array_merge(iterator_to_array($iter1), iterator_to_array($iter2)); + $values = [...$iter1, ...$iter2]; // Or to generalize to all iterables - $anotherValues = array_merge( - is_array($iter1) ? $...
To actually generate classes, you have supply some files to spec to process: useSymfony\Component\Finder\Finder;$files=array_map(function(\SplFileInfo$file) {return$file->getPathname(); },iterator_to_array( (newFinder()) ->in(__DIR__."/API") ->name("*.php") ->notName("*Meta*")...