设置常量,使用 define() 函数,函数语法如下: define(string constant_name, mixed value, case_sensitive = true) 该函数有三个参数: constant_name:必选参数,常量名称,即标志符。 value:必选参数,常量的值。 case_sensitive:可选参数,指定是否大小写敏感,设定为 true 表示不敏感。 以下实例我们创建一个 区分大...
The variable names are completely case-sensitive but function names are not. Also, user-defined functions are not case-sensitive but the rest of the language is case-sensitive. For example, user-defined functions in PHP can be defined in lowercase but later referred to in uppercase, and it ...
<?phpfunction is_obj(&$object, $className = null, $caseSensitive = true) { return is_object($object) && (!is_string($className) || preg_match('/^'.$className.'$/D'.($caseSensitive ? '' : 'i'), get_class($object)));}?> up down -2 ldean at saleamp dot com ¶...
define(string $constant_name, $mixed value, $case_sensitive=false) //constant_name 必选参数,代表常量名称 //value 必选参数,代表常量的值 //case_sensitive 可选参数,指定是否大小写敏感,设定为true,表示不敏感,false表示大小写敏感,默认不写为false。 1.2 举个栗子: <?php define("LOVE","I love y...
在下文中一共展示了QtiComponent::isCaseSensitive方法的3个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的PHP代码示例。 示例1: marshallChildrenKnown ▲点赞 9▼ /** * Unmarshall a Substring object into a QTI substring element. ...
Thetrack_errorsini directive has been removed. This means thatphp_errormsgis no longer available. Theerror_get_last()function may be used instead. The ability to define case-insensitive constants has been removed. The third argument todefine()may no longer betrue. ...
Specifies the name of the constant value Required. Specifies the value of the constant. case_insensitive Optional. Specifies whether the constant name should be case-insensitive. Possible values: TRUE - Case-insensitive (deprecated in PHP 7.3) FALSE - Case-sensitive (this is default)...
In PHP, variable names are case-sensitive but function names are not case sensitive. Explanation: If you defined variable in lowercase, then you need to use it in lowercase everywhere in the program. If we define a variable$name = "James";then we must need to use $name. $NAME will not...
注意:默认情况下,路由是大小写敏感的,从版本 1.0.1 开始,可以通过设置应用配置中的CUrlManager::caseSensitive为 false 使路由对大小写不敏感。当在大小写不敏感模式中时, 要确保你遵循了相应的规则约定,即:包含控制器类文件的目录名小写,且控制器映射和动作映射中使用的键为小写。