DOMCharacterData::insertData— Insert a string at the specified 16-bit unit offset 说明 public DOMCharacterData::insertData(int $offset, string $data): bool Inserts string data at position offset. 参数 offset The character offset at which to insert. data The string to insert. 返回值 没有返回...
In this case you need to replace html entities gradually to preserve character good encoding. I wrote such closure for this job :<?php$decode_entities = function($string) { preg_match_all("/&#?\w+;/", $string, $entities, PREG_SET_ORDER); $entities = array_unique(array_column($...
$input = “This is a special character: ‘”; $escaped_input = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $input); $query = “INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) VALUES (‘$escaped_input’)”; mysqli_query($connection, $query); “` 在这个例子中,特殊字符(单引号)被转义为`\’`并存入数...
在插入数据之前,设置数据库连接的字符集为UTF-8,以支持拉丁字符。可以使用以下代码: 代码语言:php 复制 mysqli_set_charset($conn, "utf8"); 其中,$conn是数据库连接对象。 构建SQL插入语句,将拉丁字符作为字符串插入到MySQL表中。例如: 代码语言:php 复制 $latinChar = "Café"; $sql = "INSERT INTO you...
file:*php&&!file:*test*.php - include all PHP files except those that contain the character string test in their names. file:www/wp-content/themes/my-site-child//*.php||file:www/wp-content/themes/my-site-child//*.css||file:www/wp-content/themes/my-site-child//*.js||file:www/wp...
('BOOKID')) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=12 ; INSERT INTO 'books' ('BOOKID', 'BOOKNAME', 'UNITPRICE', 'UNITSINSTOCK', 'DISCONTINUED') VALUES (1, 'PHP和MYSQL WEB开发 (原书第3版)', '78', '43', '0'),(2, 'PHP5权威编程', '90', '546', '0'),(3,...
$string = "This is a string with a \"quote\" character."; 在MySQL 中,可以使用反斜杠(\)或双反斜杠(\)来转义特殊字符。例如,要在 MySQL 中使用引号,可以使用反斜杠进行转义: 代码语言:txt 复制 INSERT INTO my_table (my_column) VALUES ('This is a string with a \"quote\" character.'); ...
use Illuminate\Support\Str; $character = Str::charAt('This is my name.', 6); // 's'Str::chopStart()The Str::chopStart method removes the first occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:...
用法htmlspecialchars(string,flags,character-set,double_encode) <?phpheader('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf8');$str='\'测试页面\'alert(213)';echo$str;echo"";echohtmlentities($str);echo"";echohtmlspecialchars($str,ENT_QUOTES);?> 7、html_entity_decode与htmlspecialchars_decode 该函数分别...
// Your DB and tables are in the utf8mb4 character set and collation, right?$handle=$link->prepare('insert into ElvishSentences (Id, Body) values (?, ?)');$handle->bindValue(1,1,PDO::PARAM_INT);$handle->bindValue(2,$string);$handle->...