We can test if a certain string is the exact start of another string: <?php function startsWith($string, $startString) { $len = strlen($startString); return (substr($string, 0, $len) === $startString); } // usage echo startsWith("cat", "c"); // true echo startsWith("dog"...
//How to checkifa string begins with another string$haystack="valuehaystack";$needle="value";if(strpos($haystack,$needle) === 0){echo"Found ".$needle." at the beginning of ".$haystack."!"; } AI代码助手复制代码 输出: 在valuehaystack开头找到价值! AI代码助手复制代码 请记住,如果在大海捞...
PHP Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a PHP program to check whether a given string starts with 'F' or ends with 'B'. If the string starts with 'F' return 'Fizz' and return 'Buzz' if it ends with 'B' If the string starts with 'F' and ends with 'B'
PHP 8 introduces several new functions for working with strings. The str_contains function checks whether a string is contained in another string. The str_starts_with and str_ends_with functions are used for determining if a string starts or ends with a specific substring. The 'str*' calls ...
我们看到,该方法第二个参数接受 string | array 数据,可以多个匹配。而且在数据类型上也做了强制转换,使得错误率更低,指向更明确。 写在最后 本文展示了 PHP 如何使用内置函数实现 startsWith / endsWith 方法。提供了 3 种方法,大家对比研究一下,哪种写法更健壮。
if (str_contains('string with lots of words', 'words')) { /* … */ } 新增str_starts_with 和 str_ends_with 函数 这是另外两个早该出现的函数,现在已在核心函数中添加了这两个函数。 str_starts_with('haystack', 'hay'); // true ...
if(str_contains('string with lots of words','words')){/* … */} 新的str_starts_with()和str_ends_with()函数 另外两个早就该做的函数,现在已加入核心。 代码语言:javascript 复制 str_starts_with('haystack','hay');// truestr_ends_with('haystack','stack');// true ...
$value=string_starts_with('This is my name','This');// true string_ends_with(string $haystack, string|array $needles) Determines if the given string ends with the given value. $value=string_ends_with('This is my name','name');// true ...
$string:该参数指的是需要检查起始字符串的字符串。 $substring:该参数指的是需要检查的字符串。 返回值:如果字符串以子字符串开头,则str_starts_with()将返回TRUE否则将返回FALSE。 实例 <?php$sentance='The Big Brown Fox';$beginsWith='The';if(str_starts_with($sentance,$beginsWith) ) ...
The starts_with function determines if the given string begins with the given value:$value = starts_with('This is my name', 'This'); // truestr_contains()The str_contains function determines if the given string contains the given value:...