In particular, if you want to build the apache extension, make sure that apache2-dev (or your OS's equivalent) is installed.phpenv globalSets the global version of PHP to be used in all shells by writing the version name to the ~/.phpenv/version file. This version can be overridden ...
If you override or extend the Magento\Backend\Console\Command\AbstractCacheTypeManageCommand class, you should check the return type for the execute method to avoid errors when executing command-line commands. The following module is affected by this change: ...
If the expression argument's type does not match any of the specified conditions, the expression will cause a Fatal Error. In such cases, you can add a default arm by using the provided quick-fix. Gif The Unused 'match' condition inspection highlights the conditions that are never matched ...
In the next example, we have conditions in the match arms. main.php <?php $r = rand(-5, 5); $res = match (true) { $r < 0 => "${r}: negative value", $r === 0 => "${r}: zero", $r > 0 => "${r}: positive value" }; echo "$res\n"; ...
Php Switch Multiple conditions having different statements like-if else if but it can check only equality of the condition floating point but value can’t be check by the PHP Switch. For Example : { Case condition 1: statement(s) Break; Case condition 2: statement(s) Break; Case condition...
If you have multiple forms on a single page, you may wish to name theMessageBagof errors. This will allow you to retrieve the error messages for a specific form. Simply pass a name as the second argument towithErrors: returnredirect('register')->withErrors($validator,'login'); ...
Option to specify type of new window (window or tab) when using$driver->switchTo()->newWindow(). Fixed Actually start ChromeDriver in W3C mode if it is supported by the browser driver. Until now, when it was initialized usingChromeDriver::start(), it has always been unintentionally starte...
If you are directly referencing theIlluminate\Console\AppNamespaceDetectorTraittrait, update your code to referenceIlluminate\Console\DetectsApplicationNamespaceinstead. Database Array Argument toorWhere When passing an array as first argument to theorWheremethod, the inner conditions now useORbetween each...
*/// If only one "where" condition$client->query('/queue/simple/print', ['target','']);// If multiple "where" conditions and need merge (operation "|") results$client->query('/interface/print', [ ['type','ether'],// same as ['type', '=', 'ether']['type'...
If your application's scheduler is running on multiple servers, you may limit a scheduled job to only execute on a single server. For instance, assume you have a scheduled task that generates a new report every Friday night. If the task scheduler is running on three worker servers, the ...