if(is_null($a)){ echo "0 is null;"; }else{ echo "0 is not null;"; } if(is_numeric($a)){ echo "0 is numeric;"; }else{ echo "0 is not numeric;"; } if(is_string($a)){ echo "0 is string;"; }else{ echo "0 is not string;"; } if(!$a){ echo "0 is false;"...
}else{echo"0 is not null;"; }if(is_numeric($a)){echo"0 is numeric;"; }else{echo"0 is not numeric;"; }if(is_string($a)){echo"0 is string;"; }else{echo"0 is not string;"; }if(!$a){echo"0 is false;"; }else{echo"0 is not false;"; }//判断 '' 和 0、null、emp...
array() 对象 object 空对象 php<5 null null NULL 例如 字符串"0": <?...0\" is false \r\n"; // 输出:string "0" is false } else { echo "string \"0\" is not false \r\n"; }...
通过is null 或 is not null 可以来判断空字段。...空字段筛选过程演示: select image_src, pk_group from sm_appmenuitem where image_src is null; 非空字段筛选过程演示: select
$map['pic'] = array('exp','is not null'); 其中的exp表示MYSQL的表达式查询,支持各种MYSQL语句的添加。 该写法同时支持在update中对字段进行自动增值: SQL语句 update table set data=data+1; 用THINKPHP可以表达为 $data['data'] = array('exp','data+1'); ...
2016-06-28 16:54 − Thinkphp用exp表达式执行mysql语句,查询某字段不为空is not null,自动增值 Thinkphp 的文档经常不够完整的表达MYSQL的各种组合,is not null在thinkphp中就不能用“=” 或者简单的eq等来表示。TP支持MYSQL不为空的arr... 大自然的流风 0 4914 Think...
} elseif (is_array($value)) {// $value是一个数组,递归调用parseValue函数处理数组中的每一个元素$value = array_map(array($this, 'parseValue'), $value);} elseif (is_bool($value)) {// $value是布尔值,转换为字符串'1'或'0'$value = $value ? '1' : '0';} elseif (is_null($...
public static function current() {if(is_null(static::$current)) static::$current = static::detect();return static::$current;} detect 方法 public static function detect() {// create a server object from global$server = new Server($_SERVER);$try = array('REQUEST_URI', 'PATH_INFO', ...
if (!Schema::hasColumn('assets', 'asset_eol_date')) { $table->date('asset_eol_date')->after('purchase_date')->nullable()->default(null); } // This is a temporary shim so we don't have to modify the asset observer for migrations where ...
$c ="null"; echo"c is ". is_null($c).""; $d = NULL; echo"d is ". is_null($d) .""; ?> Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage The is_null() function checks whether a variable is NULL or not. This function returns true (1) if the variable is NULL, otherwise it ...