}// プラグイン設定(SSL)を取得$plugin = SC_Plugin_Util_Ex::getPluginByPluginCode("AddProduct");if($plugin['free_field1'] ==='Only') {if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !='off') {// SSLアクセス}else{ $arrErr['not ssl'] ='※ 必ずSSLでアクセスしてく...
Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. $provider = new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider(); // Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is...
No comments Let's comment your feelings that are more than good LoginSign Up Qiita Conference 2024 Autumn will be held!: 11/14(Thu) - 11/15(Fri) Qiita Conference is the largest tech conference in Qiita! Keynote Speaker Takahiro Anno, Masaki Fujimoto, Yukihiro Matsumoto(Matz) ...
and/or rethrow as needed.throw$e; }if($error=='InternalServiceErrorException'){// An error occurred on the server side.// Handle the exception here, and/or rethrow as needed.throw$e; }if($error=='InvalidParameterException'){// You provided an invalid value for a parameter./...
Redisの様々な型のデータの検索および保存をそれぞれ単一のメソッドで実行するクラス. Contribute to ktty1220/php-redisutil development by creating an account on GitHub.
The seller must finance the order to completion, if the buyer does not come through with his payment then the seller is stuck with the goods. The buyer is in danger of the seller doing nothing because they have no guarantee that the seller will deliver quality goods as promised on time. ...
new Api\AigcImagesApi( new Client(), $config ); $modelid = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $templateImage = "https://templateImage.jpg"; $config=[]; $modelName = 'create_xl'; $response = $apiInstance->aigcImagesCreate($modelid, $templateImage,$config, $modelName); if ($response->getCode() ...
この計算の結果と条件付きチェックを使用して、日付を比較できます。 <?php$dateString='2021-12-12 21:00:00';// This will check if the time// is in the last dayif((time()-(60*60*24))<strtotime($dateString)){echo"Date in the last 24hrs";}else{echo"Date is NOT in the last...
特定の電話番号の所有者が、CheckIfPhoneNumberISOptedOutを使用してアカウントからの SMS メッセージの受信をオプトアウトしたかどうかを確認します。 所有者が を使用してアカウントからの SMS メッセージの受信をオプトアウトした電話番号を一覧表示しますListPhoneNumberOptedOut。