wkhtmltopdf --margin-top 10mm --margin-bottom 10mm --margin-right 10mm --margin-left 10mm input.html output.pdf 您可以根据需要调整这些参数。 4.将wkhtmltopdf版本更新到最新版。此外,确保PHP library(如phpwkhtmltopdf或snappy等)也是最新版本,因为这些组件可能会影响PDF文件的生成。 5.如果您需要将大型...
其中,’path/to/your/html/file.html’是待转换的HTML文件的路径,’path/to/save/your/pdf/file.pdf’是保存PDF文件的路径。 2. 使用wkhtmltopdf工具 wkhtmltopdf 是一个开源的命令行工具,可以将HTML文件转换为PDF。可以使用PHP的exec()函数执行命令来调用该工具。 首先,需要确保安装了wkhtmltopdf工具。根据操作...
Snappy是一个PHP5库, 允许从url或html页面生成缩略图, 快照或PDF。它使用了出色的基于Webkit的wkhtmltopdf和wkhtmltoimage, 可在OSX, Linux, Windows上使用。你必须下载wkhtmltopdf 0.12.x才能使用Snappy。 wkhtmltopdf和wkhtmltoimage是开源(LGPLv3)命令行工具, 可使用Qt WebKit渲染引擎将HTML渲染为PDF和各种图像格式。
$pdf = new TCPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont(‘helvetica’, ”, 12); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, ‘Hello World!’, 0, true, ‘C’, 0, ”, 0, false, ‘M’, ‘M’); $pdf->Output(); “` 3. 使用Dompdf库:Dompdf是一个基于PHP的HTML到PDF转换工具。你可以从Dompdf官方网站下载...
"document"=>"http://www.pdfreactor.com/product/samples/textbook/textbook.html" ); // Render document and save result to $result $result=null; try{ $result=$pdfReactor->convertAsBinary($config); header("Content-Type: application/pdf"); ...
function convertFileToStream($file, $out_stream) Convert a local file and write the result to an output stream. file The path to a local file to convert. The file can be either a single file or an archive (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, or .zip). If the HTML document refers to local ...
$html=<<<'ENDHTML'<html><body><script type="text/php">if (isset($pdf)) {// open the PDF object - all drawing commands will// now go to the object instead of the current page$footer = $pdf->open_object();// get height and width of page$w = $pdf->get_width();$h = $pd...
A PHP library for converting HTML to PDF using Chrome/Chromium. Contributors wanted! Have a look at theopen issuesand send me an email if you are interested in a quick introduction via Hangouts. How it works This library is based onpuppeteer, a headless Chrome Node API which is maintained ...
The DocRaptor HTML to PDF API is the easiest way to create high-quality PDFs documents. We’ve been maintaining our PHP agent since 2015. This page will walk you through installing, setting up, and using the DocRaptor PHP library. The biggest reason to choose DocRaptor for your PHP project...
DocRaptoris an HTML-to-PDF API that greatly simplifies the problem, and they have a PHP library for easy integration. Let’s walk through how to convert HTML into a PDF with DocRaptor: Step 1: Installation Download the latest release and unzip into your project. If you use Composer, run ...