php /** * 得到对应的时间戳 * @method getTime * deep * @param [string] $year [年份] * @param [string] $month [月份] * @return [array] ['YearDay','MonthDay','normalWeek','week','month'] [时间戳] */ function getTime($year,$month) { $monthNumber = $month; $month = sprin...
以下是一个使用cal_days_in_month()函数获取指定月份天数的示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 <?php function getDaysInMonth($year, $month) { return cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); } $year = 2023; $month = 2; $days = getDaysInMonth($year, $month); echo "The number of days in...
$month = $_GET['month']; } if (isset($_GET['year'])) { $year = $_GET['year']; } // 计算这个月的第一天是星期几 $first_day = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $first_day_of_week = date('w', $first_day); // 计算这个月有多少天 $number_of_days = cal_days_i...
$hour=$minute=$second= 0;//转换成时间戳$strap=mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year);//获取数字型星期几$number_wk=date("w",$strap);//自定义星期数组$weekArr=array("周日","周一","周二","周三","周四","周五","周六");//获取数字对应的星期return$weekArr[$number_wk]; }...
'number') { for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $new .= $string[mt_rand(0, 9)]; } return $new; } } //计算该月有几天 function getdaysInmonth($month, $year) { $days = ''; if ($month == 1 || $month == 3 || $month == 5 || $month == 7 || $month == 8...
$number = range(0,50,10); print_r ($number); 输入: 0是最小值,50是最大值,10是步长 输出: 合成后的数组 75.compact(): 创建一个由参数所带变量组成的数组 $firstname = "Peter"; $lastname = "Griffin"; $age = "38"; ...
You can use three different formatting characters in the first parameter of the date() function to get three different forms of a month. These formatting characters are- m- To represent a month as a number with leading zero. Ex. 01, 12 ...
log1p 返回log(1 + number),甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果 指数 函数名描述 exp 计算e 的指数 expm1 返回exp(number) - 1,甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果 pow 指数表达式 正切正弦余弦 函数名描述 tan 正切 atan 反正切 tanh 双曲正切 atanh 反双曲正切 atan2 两个参数的反...
However, if you run the example, you will see that it outputs the number1, which means that the firstifstatement evaluated toTRUE. This is because both strings were first converted to numbers, and1000is the same numerical value as+1000. ...