The strlen() function is used to return the length of a specific string. This function was introduced in PHP3. The strlen() function takes just one parameter (the string) and returns the number of characters in it. Syntax: strlen(string $string): int Behind the scenes, strlen() actually...
sscanf() Parses input from a string according to a format str_getcsv() Parses a CSV string into an array str_ireplace() Replaces some characters in a string (case-insensitive) str_pad() Pads a string to a new length str_repeat() Repeats a string a specified number of times str_rep...
string(1) "2" string(1) "0" Uncaught ValueError: str_decrement(): Argument #1 ($string) must be composed only of alphanumeric ASCII characters ... 对bool类型的增减操作不会有任何效果,但会生成警告。同样,对空字符串的增减操作已被弃用。此外需要注意的是,增减非数字字符串都没有效果,并已被弃用...
string file_get_contents ( string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context [, int $offset = -1 [, int $maxlen ]]] ) //和 file() 一样,只除了 file_get_contents() 把文件读入一个字符串。将在参数 offset 所指定的位置开始读取长度为 maxlen 的内容。如果失败...
function getValueFromArray(string $value): string{ return $value . PHP_EOL;}foreach ($expectedStatusCodes as $code) { echo $currentUserReference = getValueFromArray( [ 404 => "Doesn't exist", 403 => 'Forbidden', 200 => "you're welcome" ][$code] );} ...
<?php$string= "I like chocolates and I like apples";$words= "apple";echohighlighter_text($string,$words);?> 3. 写入文件 <?$filename= 'blog.csv';$fp=fopen($filename, 'w');$output= " Hello ";$output.= " World! ";$output.= "\r\n";fputs($fp,$output);fclose($fp);?> ...
0 - Start replacing at the first character in the string length Optional. Specifies how many characters should be replaced. Default is the same length as the string. A positive number - The length of string to be replaced A negative number - How many characters should be left at end of ...
if(preg_match('/cat|tac|more|less|head|tail|nl|tail|sort|od|base|awk|cut|grep|uniq|string|sed|rev|zip|\*|\?/',$cmd)){ die("NO"); }else{ return system($cmd); } }else{ die('so long!'); } } 再加上以下这块源码 可知我们只要使 file_get_contents(‘waf.txt’) 读取失败就可...
strpos($str,search,[int]):查找search在$str中的第一次位置从int开始; stripos($str,search,[int]):函数返回字符串在另一个字符串中第一次出现的位置。该函数对大小写不敏感 strrpos($str,search,[int]):查找search在$str中的最后...