Debug::text('Last Pay Period End Day Of Week: '. $last_pay_period_end_day_of_week .' Start Day Of Week: '.$this->getStartDayOfWeek(),__LINE__,__METHOD__,10);if($last_pay_period_end_day_of_week !=$this->getStartDayOfWeek()) { Debug::text('zTmp Pay Period End Date: '....
}$this->writeWeekSchedule($pdf, $cell_width, $week_date_stamps, $max_week_data, $left_margin, $group_schedule, $start_week_day,TRUE); $valid_schedules++;unset($this->schedule_shifts, $calendar_array, $week_date_stamps, $max_week_data, $day_epoch, $day_schedule_shifts, $day_schedul...
"nl");$intlcal=IntlCalendar::createInstance('UTC');$intlcal->setTime(strtotime('2012-02-29 00:00:00 +0000')*1000);var_dump(intlcal_get_day_of_week_type($intlcal,IntlCalendar::DOW_SUNDAY),$intlcal->getDayOfWeekType(IntlCalendar::DOW_MONDAY),$intlcal->getDayOfWeekType(IntlCalendar::DOW...
因此,一周的开始是星期六早上00:01,并在下一周的午夜开始到星期五。DateInterval.Day, -2,DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1-Weekday(today),Today)) 我有适用于今天的这些表达式,但是如果我将报表服务器的时间提前,它仍然具有前几周的日期我不能百分之百确定这是否是正确的测试方式...
weekofmonth:'W'weekofyear:'wwEOD),PHP_EOL;// local day of week: 3// week of month : 5// week of year : 27 在当前的时区中,我们 getFirstDayOfWeek() 返回的结果是 1 ,也就是周一为一周的起点,周几是从 0 开始计算的。set() 方法可以设置具体的日期,需要注意月份也是从 0 开始的。我们再...
function ago($time) { $periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "decade"); $lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10"); $now = time(); $difference = $now - $time; $tense = "ago"; for($j = 0; $difference >=...
l (lowercase 'L') - Represents the day of the week Other characters, like"/", ".", or "-" can also be inserted between the characters to add additional formatting. The example below formats today's date in three different ways: ...
Job1will run every day andJob2every week. Schedule format Crontab Each job is scheduled using the (nearly) standard crontab format, which consists of 5 fields separated by spaces: * * * * * │││ │││ │││└───── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday)...
public function __toString(): string // Alias of toString()public function ago(): stringpublic function getTimestamp(): intpublic function getNextWeek(): Jalalianpublic function getNextMonth(): JalalianCalendarUtilscheckDate($year, $month, $day, [$isJalali = true])// Check jalali date \...
PHP 通过反射 API 和魔术方法,可以实现多种方式的元编程。开发者通过魔术方法,如__get(),__set(),__clone(),__toString(),__invoke(),等等,可以改变类的行为。Ruby 开发者常说 PHP 没有method_missing方法,实际上通过__call()和__callStatic()就可以完成相同的功能。