$extension= File::extension($old_file); $new_name = str_replace('.'. $extension,'', $new_name) .'.'. $extension; } $new_file = $file_path . $new_name;if(Config::get('lfm.alphanumeric_directory') && preg_match('/[^\\w-]/i', $new_name)) {returnLang::get('laravel-file...
All extensions are mainly maintained by PECL, which stands for PHP Extension Community Library. It has extensions written in C, which can be loaded into PHP to provide additional functionality. PHP maintains an alphabetical list of all the available extensions via the php.net websiteopen in new...
All extensions are mainly maintained by PECL, which stands for PHP Extension Community Library. It has extensions written in C, which can be loaded into PHP to provide additional functionality. PHP maintains an alphabetical list of all the available extensions via the php.net websiteopen in new...
YAML 的配置文件后缀为 .yml,如:runoob.yml。 PHP用于读取yaml的函数:https://www.php.net/manual/zh/function.yaml-parse-file.php PHP COM对象操作 首先在php.ini中加入,extension=php_com_dotnet.dll 然后在php.ini中开启,com.allow_dcom = true 之后就可以使用new COM进行操作了。 PHP反引号运算符 PHP ...
1、单个上传使用FileReference,一次可选择多张图片可使用FileReferenceList,在flash player 10+可使用load方法可实现预览图片 2、过滤选择文件,使用FileFilter,在调用browse时传入(参数为数组),其中FileFilter实例第二个参数,多个文件使用;分隔,如*.jpg;*.gif ...
TBGLogging::log('Checking uploaded file extension'); $extension = substr($extension,1); $upload_extensions = TBGSettings::getUploadsExtensionsList();if(TBGSettings::getUploadsRestrictionMode() =='blacklist') { TBGLogging::log('... using blacklist');foreach($upload_extensionsas$an_ext) {if...
ob_list_handlers ob_start PHP 选项和信息 assert assert_options extension_loaded get_cfg_var get_current_user get_defined_constants get_extension_funcs get_include_path get_included_files get_loaded_extensions get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime ...
die ("Could not open archive");}// adds files to the file listforeach ($filelist as $key=>$value) { //fix archive paths $path = str_replace($sourcefolder, "", $key); //remove the source path from the $key to return only the file-folder structure from the root of the source...
After updating the Homestead.yaml file, be sure to re-provision the machine by executing the vagrant reload --provision command:ports: - send: 50000 to: 5000 - send: 7777 to: 777 protocol: udpBelow is a list of additional Homestead service ports that you may wish to map from your host...
After updating the Homestead.yaml file, be sure to re-provision the machine by executing the vagrant reload --provision command:ports: - send: 50000 to: 5000 - send: 7777 to: 777 protocol: udpBelow is a list of additional Homestead service ports that you may wish to map from your host...