$path."#".$filename, "/your/new/destination/".$fileinfo['basename']); } $zip->close(); }?>* On a side note, you can also use $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] as the $path for an uploaded ZIP so you never have to move it or extract a uploaded zip file.Cheers!ProNet...
$pathParts ['basename'] = ltrim(substr($filepath, strrpos($filepath, '/')),"/"); $pathParts ['extension'] = substr(strrchr($filepath, '.'), 1); $pathParts ['filename'] = ltrim(substr($pathParts ['basename'], 0, strrpos($pathParts ['basename'], '.')),"/"); return $p...
本地搭建一个表单提交的html文件,上传文件时,如果 POST 一个名为 PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS 的变量,就可以将 filename 的值赋值到session 中,filename 的值如果包含双引号,还需要进行转义,最后 Session 就会保存上传的文件名。如果没有提供写入 Session 的地方,可以用这种方法。具体利用看下面构造poc 源码: 看到...
In the editor, select the code block to be extracted and choose Refactor | Extract | Extract Include File from the main menu or from the context menu of the selection. In the Extract Include File dialog that opens, specify the name of the include file without the extension and the director...
The "log_file" option should also be in a writable path.Another solution that is most straightforward, is to just install the whole application to the "c:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\appname" directory.But there is a problem with the solutions above. PHP does not support unicode paths on...
To display this template, you can have PHP code that looks like this (stored in a file separate from the template):-$f3=require('lib/base.php'); $f3->route('GET /', function($f3) { $f3->set('name','world'); $view=new View; echo $view->render('template.htm'); // ...
但是我们可以利用特性一去闭合,当我们让name的值为";s:4:"pass";s:6:"hacker";} 首先我们要记得要满足特性一和特性二才能反序列化成功!!! 为什么现在生成的序列化字符串还能反序列化成功呢?因为我们的name的值现在 所以我们利用到了fileter函数,这个过滤函数看似想增加代码的安全性,实际上是增加了代码的危险性...
你可以从windows.php.net/download下载二进制安装包。 解压后, 最好将你的 PHP 所在的根目录(php.exe 所在的文件夹)添加到PATH环境变量中,这样就可以从命令行中直接执行 PHP。 如果只是学习或者本地开发,可以直接使用 PHP 5.4+ 内置的 Web 服务器, 还能省去配置服务器的麻烦。如果你想要包含有网页服务器以及 ...
'/i'; return preg_replace($filter,'',$img); } if($_SESSION){ unset($_SESSION); } $_SESSION["user"] = 'guest'; $_SESSION['function'] = $function; extract($_POST); if(!$function){ echo 'source_code'; } if(!$_GET['img_path']){ $_SESSION['img'] = base64_encode('gue...
base64UrlEncode()Encodes string into "Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet" (RFC 4648).yii\helpers\BaseStringHelper basename()Returns the trailing name component of a path.yii\helpers\BaseStringHelper byteLength()Returns the number of bytes in the given string.yii\helpers\BaseStrin...