异常处理 扩展(extend) PHP 内置的异常处理类 生成器 生成器总览 生成器语法 Comparing generators with Iterator objects 引用的解释 引用是什么 引用做什么 引用不是什么 引用传递 引用返回 取消引用 引用定位 预定义变量 超全局变量— 超全局变量是在全部作用域中始终可用的内置变量 $GLOBALS— 引用全局作用域中可...
When calling the Cache::extend method with a Closure, $this will be bound to the CacheManager instance, allowing you to call its methods from within your extension Closure:Cache::extend('memcached', function ($app, $config) { try { return $this->createMemcachedDriver($config); } catch (...
You may define your own authentication guards using the extend method on the Auth facade. You should place your call to the extend method within a service provider. Since Laravel already ships with an AuthServiceProvider, we can place the code in that provider:...
In your driver, You just have to extend Shetabit\Multipay\Abstracts\Driver.Eg. You created a class: App\Packages\Multipay\Driver\MyDriver.namespace App\Packages\Multipay\Driver; use Shetabit\Multipay\Abstracts\Driver; use Shetabit\Multipay\Exceptions\InvalidPaymentException; use Shetabit\Multi...
Just extend your API library with the Api class and have fun coding:use ProgrammatorDev\Api\Api; class YourApi extends Api { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // minimum required config $this->setBaseUrl('https://api.example.com/v1'); } public function getPosts...
"; } ?> There is an Advanced Oracle Tutorial at: http://phplens.com/lens/adodb/docs-oracle.htm 13 PHP Oracle Extensions PEAR DB The PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) contains many useful packages that extend PHP's functionality. PEAR DB is a package for database abstraction....
You are free to extend the models used internally by Passport by defining your own model and extending the corresponding Passport model:use Laravel\Passport\Client as PassportClient; class Client extends PassportClient { // ... }After defining your model, you may instruct Passport to use your ...
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继续上一篇,这篇主要讲通过mina往B端发送消息。并接受消息,mina是一个网络通信框架,封装了javaNIO。简单易用。网上有非常多关于他的介绍,在此不赘述了。...;import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoConnector;import org.apache.mina.core...