4.2 Free ALFTP FTP client and FTP server free for home users 5 Free PHP Editor A Robust PHP IDE for an Enhanced Editing Experience Alternatives to PHPEdit PHP Editor 5 Free A Robust PHP IDE for an Enhanced Editing Experience PHP Coder 3.4 Free Free PHP Editor, comprehensive and multi-functi...
But don't mistake our tool's use simplicity for a lack of aptitude -- EngInSite PHP Editoris packed with power. Even your largest projects will run with ease in EngInSite PHP Editor. Powerful Debugger EngInSite PHP Editor features a visual editor/debuggersimilar to Microsoft Windows programming ...
Download Now! Direct link PHP Editor features:Sintax Highlight - Syntax Highlight for PHP, HTML, SQL, Java, JavaScript, XML, Perl, C++, Python, CSS and others.Integration with Manual - The PHP Editor is fully integrated with the PHP Manual.Internal BrowserWeb Server - ... ...
Rapid PHP is a fast and powerful PHP code editor for Windows. More info...Download Now Version 18.2 | Windows 10, 11 License Agreement How to uninstall?Legacy version for Windows 7, Windows 8© 2025 Blumentals Solutions SIA Acknowledgements Privacy Policy Terms of Use SITEMAP Home AI ...
Selected code in editor: /^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,15})$/i AI reply: This code is a regular expression pattern used to validate email addresses. Here's a breakdown of the pattern: ^ and $: These anchors match the star...
RichTextEditor for PHP is by far the fastest, cleanest, most powerful online wysiwyg content editor. It enables asp.net web developers to replace any textarea with an intuitive word-like wysiwyg html editor. 4.5MB Download RichTextEditor for WordPress 4.x ...
有时候网站、项目需要在本地搭建 php 环境,如果还像以前手工配置一个个环境就太复杂了,而且也不是每个人都能掌握这个技能的。后来就出现了很多本地 php 环境包,可以一键搭建本地 php 环境。前面魏艾斯博客介绍过phpstudy 搭建本地 php 环境及安装 wordpress,最近网友介绍有使用国外的MAMP快速搭建 php 环境,于是老魏...
In the editor of the PHP class to be tested, place the caret at the definition of the class. Then, pressAltEnterand selectCreate New Testfrom the popup menu. This way, you can generate a test for a PHP class defined among several classes within a single PHP file. ...
Try the full-feature editor free for 30 days.We’re confident you’ll love Download Now BUY NOW Keyfeatures Syntax highlighting – includes code folding Column/Block mode editing FTP client with multiple account settings and automatic logon and save (32-Bit only). ...
The Code Builder works by allowing users to select a function from the list, and then it displays information for the function such as function signature, description, and version information. The user can copy the function name to the editor, and the function signature will display as a toolt...