A session allows you to share information across different pages of a single site or app—thus it helps maintain state. This lets the server know that all requests originate from the same user, thus allowing the site to display user-specific information and preferences. ...
在4.2.3以后, 为了兼容以前的模式, PHP引入了bug_compat_42, 当启用这个选项以后(默认启用), PHP将容许自动将SESSION中的变量做为全局变量使用. 只不过如果bug_compat_warn选项开启的情况下, 会报告这个特性的被使用.
Session比较安全,cookie用某些手段可以修改,不安全。Session依赖于cookie进行传递。 禁用cookie后,session不能正常使用。Session的缺点:保存在服务器端,每次读取都从服务器进行读取,对服务器有资源消耗。Session保存在服务器端的文件或数据库中,默认保存在文件中,文件路径由php配置文件的session.save_path指定。Session文件...
; 在最终发布的web站点继续让 display_errors 有效可能 ; 暴露一些有关安全的信息,例如你的web服务上的文件路径、 ; 你的数据库规划或别的信息。 display_startup_errors = Off ; 甚至当display_erroes打开了,发生于PHP的启动的步骤中 ; 的错误也不会被显示。 ; 强烈建议保持使 display_startup_errors 关闭,...
PHP7 高性能开发学习手册(全) 原文:zh.annas-archive.org/md5/57463751f7ad4ac2a29e3297fd76591c 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 前言 PHP 社区在几十年来面临着一个巨大的问题:性能。无论他们拥有多么强大的硬件,最终 P
In previous versions of Laravel, you could access session variables or the authenticated user in your controller's constructor. This was never intended to be an explicit feature of the framework. In Laravel 5.3, you can't access the session or authenticated user in your controller's constructor...
As long as you have created a way to track your user through your website by means of cookies or session variables (both of which we’ll look at more closely in later chapters), you can split up your website into sensible sections of PHP code, each one self-contained, and therefore ...
When your component is rendered, you may display the contents of your component's public variables by echoing the variables by name: {{ $message }} CasingComponent constructor arguments should be specified using camelCase, while kebab-case should be used when referencing the argument names in you...
You can change its location: in the main menu, go to View | Appearance | Navigation Bar and select Top to display the navigation bar in the top part of the IDE window or Don't show to disable it. note The main toolbar with buttons for opening and saving files, undo and redo ...
show variables like '%datadir%'; 恢复数据步骤: 在mysql 安装目录 bin 目录中放入插件 my2sql,然后给 mysql 赋权限。 创建一个空文件夹 “tmpdir”,然后给个 777 的权限。 将binlog文件下载到本地,然后转换成sql格式,找到对应的节点(pos点),节点名(pos点)是纯数字的时间戳,根据节点可以恢复指定时间段的数...