[PHP]engine=On# 启动引擎short_open_tag=Off# 关闭短标签max_input_time=60memory_limit=128Merror_reporting= E_ALL# 错误报告开启全部提示post_max_size=2048M# POST 最大文件大小default_mimetype="text/html"default_charset="UTF-8"# 默认文件编码extension_dir="./"extension_dir="D:/PHPEnv/PHP74/...
This will place an apcu.so file into the PHP extensions directory, which will be mentioned after make install finishes. Add a custom ini file and enable the extension: vi "/usr/local/php72/lib/php.conf.d/90-apcu.ini" and place the code inside: extension=apcu.so apc.enabled=1 apc....
PHP_INT_SIZE (integer)自PHP4.4.0和PHP5.0.5起可用 DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH (string) PEAR_INSTALL_DIR (string) PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR (string) PHP_EXTENSION_DIR (string) PHP_PREFIX (string)自PHP4.3.0起可用 PHP_BINDIR (string) PHP_LIBDIR (string) PHP_DATADIR (string) PHP_SYSCONFDIR (string) PH...
; extension=/path/to/extension/msql.so ; ; If you only provide the name of the extension, PHP will look for it in its ; default extension directory. ; ; Windows Extensions ; Note that ODBC support is built in, so no dll is needed for it. ; Note that many DLL files are located i...
PHP_EOL (string)自 PHP 4.3.10 和 PHP 5.0.2 起可用 PHP_INT_MAX (integer)自 PHP 4.4.0 和 PHP 5.0.5 起可用 PHP_INT_SIZE (integer)自 PHP 4.4.0 和 PHP 5.0.5 起可用 DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH (string)PEAR_INSTALL_DIR (string)PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR (string)PHP_EXTENSION_...
安装sudo apt-get installphp7.0-zip 修改php.ini 修改/etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini Dynamic Extensions 部分增加 extension...; default extension directory 后添加 extension=zip.so 重启apache2 service apache2 restart 鸣谢 wordpressphp...zip extension not loaded 版权所有:可定博客 © WNAG.COM.CN 本...
If you are not using the default extension directory, specify a directory in the PHP configuration file (php.ini), using the extension_dir option. For example, on Windows, if you have put the driver file in your c:\php\ext directory, add the following line to php.ini: Copy extension...
第一步:单击任务栏WAMP图标打开WAMP界面,单击www directory进入Web根文档目录,将index.xhtml文档复制过来。 第二步:打开WAMP界面,单击localhost开启浏览器环境,完善地址栏信息为http://localhost/index.xhtml进行测试。 提示:如果任务栏图标显示异常,一般原因主要包括: ...
extension_diron Linux/macOS. If you are not using the default extension directory, specify a directory in the PHP configuration file (php.ini), using theextension_diroption. For example, on Windows, if you have put the driver file in yourc:\php\extdirectory, add the following line to php...
若要設定 nginx,您必須編輯/etc/nginx/sites-available/default檔案。 將index.php新增至下列清單中顯示# Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP的區段: config # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html index.php; ...