FYI: there's a list of constants with predefined formats on the DateTime object, for example instead of outputting ISO 8601 dates with:<?phpecho date('c');?>or<?phpecho date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO');?>You can use<?phpecho date(DateTime::ISO8601);?>instead, which is much easier to ...
» ICU Date formatter » ICU Date formats 预定义常量 These constants are used to specify different formats in the constructor for DateType and TimeType. IntlDateFormatter::NONE (int) Do not include this element IntlDateFormatter::FULL (int) Completely specified style (Tuesday, April ...
The loaders allow to get gettext values from multiple formats. For example, to load a .po file: useGettext\Loader\PoLoader;$loader=newPoLoader();//From a file$translations=$loader->loadFile('locales/en.po');//From a string$string=file_get_contents('locales2/en.po');$translations=$loa...
php// output all thursdays between $start and $end$periodInterval=DateInterval::createFromDateString('first thursday');$periodIterator=newDatePeriod($start,$periodInterval,$end,DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE);foreach($periodIteratoras$date){// output each date in the periodecho$date->format('Y-...
),'dateFormats' => array ('full' => 'y年M月d日EEEE','long' => 'y年M月d日','medium' => 'yyyy-M-d','short' => 'yy-M-d',),'timeFormats' => array ('full' => 'zzzzah时mm分ss秒','long' => 'zah时mm分ss秒',...
date_timezone_get() Returns the time zone of the given DateTime object date_timezone_set() Sets the time zone for the DateTime object date() Formats a local date and time getdate() Returns date/time information of a timestamp or the current local date/time gettimeofday() Returns the cur...
Date/Time 函数 Supported Date and Time Formats 所支持的时区列表 HRTime— High resolution timing 简介 安装/配置 范例 HRTime\PerformanceCounter— The HRTime\PerformanceCounter class HRTime\StopWatch— The HRTime\StopWatch class HRTime\Unit— The HRTime\Unit class 文件系统相关扩展 Direct IO 简介 安装/配...
'/maintenance/language/date-formats.php', 'DateFormatter' => __DIR__ . '/includes/parser/DateFormatter.php', 'DateFormatterFactory' => __DIR__ . '/includes/parser/DateFormatterFactory.php', 'DeferrableCallback' => __DIR__ . '/includes/deferred/DeferrableCallback.php', ...
PHPWord is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to and read from different document file formats. The current version of PHPWord supports MicrosoftOffice Open XML(OOXML or OpenXML), OASISOpen Document Format for Office Applications(OpenDocument or ODF),Rich Tex...
Formats the value as a boolean. See Also booleanFormat formatDate()method public stringformatDate(mixed $value) $valuemixedthe value to be formatted {return}stringthe formatted result Source Code:framework/utils/CFormatter.php#196(show)