$arResult["SEARCH"][$i]["PRICES"]["PRICE"] =CurrencyFormat($arResult["SEARCH"][$i]["MIN_PRICE"]["PRICE"], $arParams["CURRENCY"]); $arResult["SEARCH"][$i]["PRICES"]["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] =CurrencyFormat($arResult["SEARCH"][$i]["MIN_PRICE"]["DISCOUNT_PRICE"], $arParams["CURR...
$model->in_currency = Currency::getDefaultCurrencyModel()->char_code;echo$form->hiddenField($model,'in_currency');// $form->dropDownList($model, 'in_currency', Currency::getActiveCurrencyArray(2), array('class' => 'width120'))}else{echo' '. param('siteCurrency','$'); }if($model-...
$price = 100; echo \Yii::t('app', 'Price: {0, number, currency}', $price); 注意: 参数的格式化需要安装 intl PHP 扩展。可以使用缩写的形式或完整的形式来格式化占位符:short form: {PlaceholderName, ParameterType} full form: {PlaceholderName, ParameterType, ParameterStyle} ...
1-888-288-7354 (Within USA) +1-415-449-1379 (International) customer.service@ofx.com Business Clients 1-888-966-6888 (Within USA) +1-415-449-1375 (International) customer.service@ofx.com Business Development/Partnerships corporatenorthamerica@ofx.com ...
Update:Added Romanian Lei currency Update:Added Kosovo into the country list Bugfix:Using empty date as condition on entries page display error message under MySQL 8 Bugfix:“Admin only” dropdown fields doesn’t populate the option when creating the filter on entries page ...
a 函数说明 abs 绝对值 acos 反余弦 acosh 反双曲余弦 addcslashes 以 C 语言风格使用反斜线转义字符串中的字符 addslashes 使用反斜线引用字符串 apache_child_terminate 在本次请求结束后终止 apache 子进程 apache_geten
In this example, you are checking your balance to see whether it is less than $100 (or whatever your currency is). If so, you pay yourself $1,000 and then add it to the balance. (If only making money were that simple!) If the bank balance is $100 or greater, the conditional sta...
Internationalization Full support for Unicode Supports Unicode strings and various character encodings. Date, number, and currency functions are all culture-aware and alter their output depending on what the current culture is set to (rather than requiring different functions to be called). Support for...
--.// 订单金额--><inputtype='hidden'name='currency_code'value='HKD'><!--.// 货币--><inputtype='hidden'name='return'value='http://test.cq.com/'><!--.// 支付成功后网页跳转地址--><inputtype='hidden'name='notify_url'value='https://www.test.net/api/order/notify'><!--.//...