• CURLOPT_TIMEOUT : 设置一个长整形数,作为最大延续多少秒。 • CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: 设置一个长整形数,控制传送多少字节。 • CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME : 设置一个长整形数,控制多少秒传送CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT规定的字节数。 • CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM : 传递一个包含字节偏移地址的长整形...
If i want to do multiple things (that require cookies) with curl, for example: login to (my own) blog then automatically submit a blog post do I do this in one curl instance before curl close or do i close first session and then start second one for second task? (Sorry if it's ...
curl_init()函数的作用初始化一个curl会话,curl_init()函数唯一的一个参数是可选的,表示一个url地址。 curl_exec()函数的作用是执行一个curl会话,唯一的参数是curl_init()函数返回的句柄。 curl_close()函数的作用是关闭一个curl会话,唯一的参数是curl_init()函数返回的句柄。 <?php $ch= curl_init("http...
php//create a new curl resource$ch=curl_init();//set URL and other appropriate optionscurl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, “http://www.google.nl/”); // grab URL and pass it to the browsercurl_exec($ch);//close curl resource, and free up system resourcescurl_close($ch);?> 刚刚把另...
<?php// While we're still active, execute curl$active = null; do {$mrc = curl_multi_exec($multi, $active); } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); while ($active && $mrc == CURLM_OK) {// Wait for activity on any curl-connectionif (curl_multi_select($multi) == -1...
• CURLOPT_INFILESIZE : 当你上传一个文件到远程站点,这个选项告诉PHP你上传文件的大小。 • CURLOPT_VERBOSE : 如果你想CURL报告每一件意外的事情,设置这个选项为一个非零值。 • CURLOPT_HEADER : 如果你想把一个头包含在输出中,设置这个选项为一个非零值。
CURLOPT_UPLOAD– obvious boolean CURLOPT_INFILE– a readable stream for the file we want to upload CURLOPT_INFILESIZE– the size of the file we want to upload in bytes Sending Multiple Requests using curl_multi_init() curl_multi_add_handle() ...
curl_multi_exec(resource $mh, int &$still_running): int 处理在栈中的每一个句柄。无论该句柄需要读取或写入数据都可调用此方法。 参数 multi_handle 由curl_multi_init() 返回的 cURL 多个句柄。 still_running 一个用来判断操作是否仍在执行的标识的引用。 返回...
cURL or stream extension (to issue the HTTPS request to Matomo) Installation Alternatively, you can download the files and require the Matomo tracker manually: require_once("MatomoTracker.php"); License Released under theBSD License Releases29 ...
HEAD 0; # cache HEAD requests GET 0; # cache GET requests } ## map purge request map $request_method $purge_method { PURGE 1; default 0; } # Allow underscores in header underscores_in_headers on; # Set Max Client Body size to 10 MB ...