Welcome to X2CRM! X2CRM is a next-generation, open source social sales application for small and medium sized businesses. X2CRM was designed to streamline contact and sales actions into one compact blog-style user interface. Add to this contact and colleague social feeds and sales ...
PHP Free CRM Script - Open Source CRM Script - Free PHP CRM Software PHP CRM Scriptis a widely used product with many customers. It has a vibrant community of users driving the product forward, and contributing to it’s development. Every company requirements are unique, and require customized...
This Simple Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System can be accessed by 2 different user roles which are the Administrator and the Customers. The Administrator can access the admin panel of the system while the Customer has access to the customer side of the application. The ...
Our team created for you one of the most innovative CRM systems that supports mainly business processes and allows for customization according to your needs. Be ahead of your competition and implement YetiForce! quotesopen-sourcephpworkflowphp7erpcontactsleadscrmaccountsweb-applicationyetiforceopportunities...
$activityContacts =CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('activity_contacts',FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,NULL,'name'); $targetID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Targets', $activityContacts);// schedule reminder for Visa Expiration Creation$result = civicrm_api3('action_schedule','get',array('name'=>'Visa ...
Based around implementing a real world CRM following many best practices. It is assumed that reader is experienced enough in OOP so don't expect OO-basics explained. Learning Yii Testing■ Author:Matteo Pescarin Embrace 360-degree testing on your Yii 2 projects using Codeception. ...
简信CRM:免费开源CRM系统的优缺点? 开源软件,英文表示是open source software,简称为OSS,直接的字面意思是公开源代码的软件。 开源软件可控性高,降低风险,拥有源代码使顾客们可以控制那些他们的业务所赖以生存的工具,顾客能自己维护或找别人改进它以达到自己的要求,彻底解决对软件厂商的依赖问题;其次有效的开发模式,更...
Cachet - The open source status page system Magento - 电商系统 Monica - 个人 CRM CMS Grav - 基于文件的 CMS October - 基于 Laravel 开发的 CMS 社区 Flarum - 基于 PHP 和 Mithril.js 开发的轻社区 PHPDish - 基于 Symfony 框架开发的内容社区系统 ...
If so, then you can seeJiveIMlive chat support system that provides real-time live chat support. For using this application, you must need open ports. Then you have to install JDK. As well as, you have to use a VPS to run this system. This system can help to create a strong connec...
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