本文介绍PHPWord的一个报错Could not close zip file,这个问题出现在Windows操作系统上,本质的原因是C:\WINDOWS\Temp目录权限问题。项目中用到了PHPWord来生成Word文档,本地测试环境是使用Windows+Apache来搭建的,运行没有问题。 迁移到服务器上,服务器是Windows Server + IIS的环境,其它一切正常,但在使用PHPWord导出...
if ($objZip->close() === false) { throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("Could not close zip file $pFilename."); } So the reason of the problem is that $objZip->close() === false where $objZip is an instance of ZipArchive class.What is the reason of the problem and how can I...
thrownew\Exception('Could not open ZIP file. Error code: '. $zipStatus); } $filesInside = []; for($i = 0; $i < $zipper->count(); $i++) { array_push($filesInside, $zipper->getNameIndex($i)); } $zipper->close();
zipfile直接写入指定文件中:with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_path ,mode='w')as f: f.write(file)...
open($targetFile) === true) { // 解压缩 $zip->extractTo($targetDirectory); $zip->close(); echo “文件上传成功”; } else { echo “无法打开zip文件”; } } else { echo “文件上传失败”; } “` 上述代码中,首先通过`$_FILES[“zipFile”][“tmp_name”]`获取上传的临时文件路径,然后使...
() ;9//打开zip文档,如果打开失败返回提示信息10if($zip->open($file) !==TRUE) {11die("Could not open archive");12}13//将压缩文件解压到指定的目录下14$zip->extractTo($destination);15//关闭zip文档16$zip->close();17echo'解压成功';18}19//执行20$file=$_GET['file'];21//$folder =...
'.zip'; $zip = new ZipArchive; $zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE); ZipArchive::setPassword('123456'); //$zip->setPassword("123456"); $zip->addFile($file); $zip->close(); when i use $zip->setPassword i don't get any errors but the file is not protected at all and...