For this example let us assume we have a UTC date and time string (2011-04-27 02:45) that we would like to convert to ACST (Australian Central Standard Time). <?php$utc_date=DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d G:i','2011-04-27 02:45',newDateTimeZone('UTC'));$acst_date=clon...
if( ! function_exists("tz_offset_to_name") ) { /* Takes a GMT offset (in hours) and returns a timezone name */ function tz_offset_to_name($offset) { $offset *= 3600; // convert hour offset to seconds $abbrarray = timezone_abbreviations_list(); foreach ($abbrarray as $abbr)...
if( ! function_exists("tz_offset_to_name") ) { /* Takes a GMT offset (in hours) and returns a timezone name */ function tz_offset_to_name($offset) { $offset *= 3600; // convert hour offset to seconds $abbrarray = timezone_abbreviations_list(); foreach ($abbrarray as $abbr)...
if( ! function_exists("tz_offset_to_name") ) { /* Takes a GMT offset (in hours) and returns a timezone name */ function tz_offset_to_name(offset) {offset *= 3600; // convert hour offset to seconds abbrarray=timezoneabbreviationslist();foreach(abbrarray asabbr) { foreach (abbr ...
refers to. PRC stands for “People’s Republic of China,” which is the official standard time used in China. It is an offset of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) +8:00. So, if you want to represent time in PRC format, you would need to convert it to the UTC +8:00 time zone. ...
localtime 返回本地时间(一个数组存放关于时间的各项信息) getdate 返回一个根据 timestamp 得出的包含有日期信息的结合数组。如果没有给出时间戳,则认为是当前本地时间 gettimeofday 返回一个包含当前时间信息的数组 strptime 解析由 strftime() 生成的时间 / 日期 date_parse 返回一个包含指定日的详细信息的关联数...
我需要在Centos 7.464位上使用php (5.4)将日期时间信息从本地时间(gtm+1)转换为协调世界时 ...
Convert date to timestamp and vice versa with different timezones In timezone Asia/Shanghai, Current date is 02/21/2025 00:55:13 and timestamp is 1740070513 Note Date format is month/day/year hour:minute:second We are not considering Daylight Saving Time In Calculation...
usleep() 函数延迟代码执行若干微秒。 unpack() 函数从二进制字符串对数据进行解包。 uniqid() 函数基于以微秒计的当前时间,生成一个唯一的 ID。 time_sleep_until() 函数延迟代码执行直到指定的时间。 time_nanosleep() 函数延迟代码执行若干秒和纳秒。 s...
* Get offset from time zone. * * @link */ $date_time_zone = new DateTimeZone( $Timezone ); $date = new DateTime( '', $date_time_zone ); $offset = $date_time_zone->...