–(int):将值转换为整数类型。 –(float) 或 (double):将值转换为浮点数类型。 –(string):将值转换为字符串类型。 –(array):将值转换为数组类型。 –(bool) 或 (boolean):将值转换为布尔类型。 示例代码: “`php $value = 5; $intValue = (int) $value; $floatValue = (float) $value; $str...
16, 2);//输出 101000110111001100110100 base_convert (PHP 3 >= 3.0.6, PHP 4, PHP 5) base_convert -- 在任意进制之间转换数字 说明 string base_convert ( string number, int frombase, int tobase ) 返回一字符串,包含 number 以 tobase 进制的表示。number...
(1) 如果 string 是数字,当 string 是整数字符串并且符合 int 类型的范围限制(即是 PHP_INT_MAX 定义的值),则解析为 int ,否则解析为 float 。 (2) 如果上下文允许前导数字和一个 string,如果 string 的前导部分是整数数字字符串且符合 int 类型限制(由 PHP_INT_MAX 定义),则解析为 int ,否则解析为 ...
在C语言中,根据数值的取值范围,可以将整型分为短整型(short int)、基本整型(int)、长整型(long int)。...单精度浮点数后面以F或f结尾,双精度浮点数以D或d结尾。 浮点数的后缀可以省略,若省略,则默认为双精度浮点数。 double类型打印时使用%lf,float类型打印时使用%f。...基本格式为:(类型...
<?php $val = '4.5e3'; // Assign a string containing a number in scientific notation ('4.5e3') to the variable $val $ival = (int) $val; // Convert the string $val to an integer and store it in $ival $fval = (float) $val; // Convert the string $val to a float and ...
As you can see float to string conversion isnotportable across systems and PHP versions. So if you’re handling large numbers stored as float (especially on 32-bit systems where 32-bit int overflow will implicitly convert to float) and getting strange bugs, remember that string conversion might...
(int)- Converts to data type Integer (float)- Converts to data type Float (bool)- Converts to data type Boolean (array)- Converts to data type Array (object)- Converts to data type Object (unset)- Converts to data type NULL ...
pg_convert/pg_insert/pg_update/pg_delete ; regexes are now cached. Phar: Fixed bug GH-12532 (PharData created from zip has incorrect timestamp). POSIX: Added POSIX_SC_CHILD_MAX and POSIX_SC_CLK_TCK constants. Updated posix_isatty to set the error number on file descriptors. PSpell: ...
string decbin ( int number ) 返回一字符串,包含有给定 number 参数的二进制表示。所能转换的最大数值为十进制的 4294967295,其结果为 32 个 1 的字符串。 2,十进制转八进制 decoct() 函数 echo decoct(15); //输出 17 echo decoct(264); //输出 410 ...
(int) Cast to an integer Right (double) (float) (real) Cast to a floating-point number Right (string) Cast to a string Right (array) Cast to an array Right (object) Cast to an object Right @ Inhibit error reporting Right = += −= *= /= ...