<?phpfor($i = 2; $i < 101; $i ) {$primes = 0;for($k = 1; $k <= $i; $k )if($i%$k === 0) $primes ;if($primes <= 2) // 能除以1和自身的整数(不包括0)echo "<strong>{$i}</strong><br />";} 【...
用函数实现1-100中素数的算法如下:<?php //定义函数function sushu() {//求100以内质数 for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++){ k = 0;for ($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++) { if ($i % $j == 0) { $k++;}} if ($k == 1) { echo $i;echo " ";}}}sushu(); /...
<?php function natural_prime_numbers(array $range, bool $print_info = false) : array { $start_time = time(); $primes_numbers = array(); $print = ''; $count_range = count($range); foreach($range as $number){ $values_division_number = array(); if($number === 0 || $number...
The remark "in PHP the switch statement is considered a looping structure for the purposes of continue" near the top of this page threw me off, so I experimented a little using the following code to figure out what the exact semantics of continue inside a switch is: <?php for($i=0;$...
for foreach break continue switch declare return require include require_once include_once goto 函数 用户自定义函数 函数的参数 返回值 可变函数 内部(内置)函数 匿名函数 类与对象 简介 基本概念 属性 类常量 自动加载类 构造函数和析构函数 访问控制(可见性) 对象继承 范围解析操作符(::) Static(静态)...
$number['class_type'] ='FeatureCodeNumber'; $number['foreign_id'] = $featureCode['feature_code_id']; $context = Doctrine::getTable('Context')->findOneByName('Outbound Routes'); $number['NumberContext']->fromArray(array(0=>array('context_id'=> $context['context_id']))); ...
Number Theory - Integers use MathPHP\NumberTheory\Integer; $n = 225; // Prime numbers $bool = Integer::isPrime($n); $factors = Integer::primeFactorization($n); // Divisor function $int = Integer::numberOfDivisors($n); $int = Integer::sumOfDivisors($n); // Aliquot sums $int = ...
mh/: Handler for OXCMAPIHTTP requests. There is little actual mailbox logic, since the code forwards to emsmdb/nsp functions. midb/: A support server specifically for gromox-imap/gromox-pop3, gsp. mail_engine_commands. Text-based input protocol. mysql_adaptor/: User database support function...
}imagearc($im, transform_x($x), transform_y(f($x)),3,3,0,360, $black);for($xprime =0; $xprime <= transform_x($x); $xprime +=30) { imageline($im, $xprime, transform_y(f($x)), $xprime +10, transform_y(f($x)), $gray); ...
19.Write a PHP program to check whether a given number is an ugly number. Input : 12 Output :12 is an Ugly number Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5. The sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, ... ...