We will get True as return value from empty() if it is null data or 0 etc. Here is a list for which we will get True as return value from empty() function after checking. 0 0.0 "0" "" NULL FALSE array()Examples<?php $my_var=""; echo empty($my_var); ?>...
When checking strings or integers for null values, it is better to avoid loose operations and use strict === null or is_null checks are equivalent. In the same way, strictly not !== null and isset() statements are identical too.
function decrypt(string $ciphertext, string $key, string $iv = '', string $aad = ''): string{$ciphertext = base64_decode($ciphertext);$authTag = substr($ciphertext, -16);$tagLength = strlen($authTag);/* Manually checking the length of the tag, because the `openssl_decrypt` was...
These methods allows you to add customized constraints to a relationship constraint, such as checking the content of a comment:1use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; 2 3$posts = App\Post::whereDoesntHave('comments', function (Builder $query) { 4 $query->where('content', 'like', '...
Of course, manually creating and checking a Validator instance each time you do validation is a headache. Don't worry, you have other options! The base App\Http\Controllers\Controller class included with Laravel uses a ValidatesRequests trait. This trait provides a single, convenient method for ...
public static $mysql = null; const LOG_PAIZU_TABLE = 'log_user_paiju'; public function logic() { if(empty(self::$mysql)){ self::$mysql = $this->mysql('logs'); } set_time_limit(0); while (true) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); ...
Checking connectivity... done. [root@jenkins ~]# cat jenkins-test-project/README.md # Jenkins Test Project # 这个就是我们刚刚创建项目的备注,说明Jenkins拉取GitLab代码免密是成功的. # 接下来我们修改这个文件,并提交 echo "touch /root/zhou" >> jenkins-test-project/README.md git config --glob...
bot.php - Examples for how to use filters, updates, get download links for any file, Telegram Stories and much more! TelegramApiServer - Fast, simple, async php telegram api server: an HTTP JSON API for MadelineProto (for use in languages other than PHP, if using PHP use directly Madelin...
If anything goes wrong in aRegexmethod, aRegexFailedexception gets thrown. No need for checkingpreg_last_error(). Testing $ composertest Changelog Please seeCHANGELOGfor more information on what has changed recently. Contributing Please seeCONTRIBUTINGfor details. ...
Using a GroupUrlRule is more efficient than directly declaring the individual rules it contains. This is because GroupUrlRule can quickly determine if it should process a URL parsing or creation request by simply checking if the prefix matches. ...