区别: empty() 函数用于检查一个变量是否为空。当一个变量并不存在,或者它的值等同于 FALSE,那么它...
$result =newResult("");$this->assertTrue(Str::nullOrEmpty($null));$this->assertTrue(Str::nullOrEmpty($this->notInitialized));$this->assertTrue(Str::nullOrEmpty($empty));$this->assertTrue(Str::nullOrEmpty($zero));$this->assertFalse(Str::nullOrEmpty($whiteSpace,true));$this->asser...
"no null":"null","\r\n"; unset($b); echo "is_null","\$b",is_null($b)?"no null":"null","\r\n"; 通过上面这个简单测试,我们可以大体知道,当一个变量存在情况下:isset,empty,is_null检测,得到值情况了。上面没有举例更多变量。其实测试发现: empty 如果 变量 是非空或非零的值,则 empty...
0是数字,是empty,是false,不是null,值相当于空字符串,但类型不是字符串,去空格或强制转换为字符串型时不等于空字符串 ""的值相当于0,是empty,是空字符串,是false,不是null,不是数字字符串 null的值相当于空字符串,值相当于0,是empty,是false,不是字符串,不是数字0 ...
在下文中一共展示了Validate::notNullOrEmpty方法的15个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的PHP代码示例。 示例1: __construct ▲点赞 6▼ /** * Creates new media services settings instance. ...
$user_name = !empty($_REQUEST['user_name']) ? trim($_REQUEST['user_name']) : ''; 直接赋值 不需要绕过 测试 输入单引号 不报错 输入%df' 报错 实锤了 宽字节注入 这里不显示 查询结果的信息 可以用盲注或者报错注入 还有其他几处宽字节注入的地方 ...
was defined) or null (empty), this one expands to WORD, otherwise it expands to the value of PARAMETER, as if it just was ${PARAMETER}. If you omit the : (colon), like shown in the second form, the default value is only used when the parameter was unset, not when it was empty...
triple equals operator to force a literal comparison. For example,sqlsrv_fetchcould returnnullif there are no more rows in a result set. In this case, using a double equals operator (==) to check for an error ($result ==false) would evaluate totrue, resulting in unexpected program flow....
get{FIELD}() // return a field value has{FIELD}() // check whether a field is set set{FIELD}($value) // set a field value to $value repeated append{FIELD}($value) // append $value to a field clear{FIELD}() // empty field get{FIELD}() // return an array of field values ...