如果数组中经常出现值为NULL的情况,建议使用array_key_exists 如果数组中可能出现值为NULL,但是较少的情况,建议结合isset与array_key_exists使用,如“if (isset($arr[‘key’]) || array_key_exists(‘key’, $arr)){/*do somthing*/}”。此方法兼顾了性能和准确性,但是代码变长了。 参考...
一个基本的区别是isset()可用于数组和变量,而array_key_exits()只能用于数组。 但是最主要的区别在于在设定的条件下的返回值。 现在我们来验证一下这个最主要的区别。 array_key_exists() array_key_exists() 会检查键值的存在. 这个函数会返回TRUE,只要键值存在,即使值为NULL. $arr = array( "one"=>"1",...
*/functionoffsetUnset($key){if(array_key_exists($key,get_object_vars($this))){unset($this->{$key});}}/** * Defined by ArrayAccess interface * Check value exists, given it"s key e.g. isset($A["title"]) * @param mixed key (string or integer) * @return boolean */functionoffset...
if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) { copy('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline.php', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline'); $MadelineProto->start(); $me = $MadelineProto->getSelf(); $MadelineProto->logger(...
Checks if the given key or index exists in the arrayFunct\arrayKeyNotExists(2, [1, 2]); // => true Funct\arrayKeyNotExists(1, [1, 2]); // => falsefalse($value)Returns true if value is falseFunct\false(false); // => true Funct\false(true); // => false...
if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $token = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($_GET['code']); } Authentication with Service Accounts An example of this can be seen in examples/service-account.php. Some APIs (such as the YouTube Data API) do not support service accounts. Check with ...
If true, it means using zero-based integer index. If false, it means a HAS_ONE or BELONGS_TO object and no index is needed.Source Code: framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php#732 (show) public function addRelatedRecord($name,$record,$index){ if($index!==false) { if(!isset($this->_...
app.SignInUser calls theajaxGetUser.phpfile which basically reads the user file using the email from the web server and returns a json string of the file. This is then parsed for easy reading into an {} object. PHP <?php//get the file contents from the serverIf (isset($_REQUEST['fi...
Checking if a text is translatable 34.13. Handling languages with adapters 35.1. 使用Zend_Uri::factory()创建一个新的URI 35.2. 使用Zend_Uri::factory()操作一个现有的URI 35.3. 使用Zend_Uri::check()进行URI 验证 35.4. 从Zend_Uri_* 对象取得模式 35.5. 从一个Zend_Uri_* 对象取得整个URI 35.6....