A convenient function that returns TRUE if exists at least an element that satisfy the where condition specified calling the "where" method before this one.$db->where("user", $user); $db->where("password", md5($password)); if($db->has("users")) { return "You are logged"; } else...
Check the folders, if the folder exists, if it has the right permissions, etc. php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -check Example to clear the compile-folder using a custom compile path php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -clearcompile -compilepath mycompile#relative...
Before we install NPM and install Vite build, you need to create aresourcesfolder in your local theme directory. Then inside theresourcesfolder, create theseimg, scss, jsdirectories and then create emptytheme.scss, theme.jsfiles, structured like this... Now we are ready to ...
The following PHP code uploads thedog.mp4video to the specified folder, and using the public_id,my_dog. The video will overwrite the existingmy_dogvideo if it exists. When the video upload is complete, the specified notification URL will receive details about the uploaded media asset. ...
<?php unzip('test.zip','unziped/test'); //File would be unzipped in unziped/test folder ?> 17. 缩放图片 function resize_image($filename, $tmpname, $xmax, $ymax) { $ext = explode(".", $filename); $ext = $ext[count($ext)-1]; if($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg"...
Change the current working directory to the "ini" folder you just created. You need to create an "ini" file to add your settings to. In this example, we use "extensions.ini". There are no file editors such as Vi, Vim, or Nano so you'll use echo to add the settings to the file...
if you're working with cPanel your folder structure resembles mine all public files are moved to public_html where is no more public folder in the application (all) folder Solution: Duplicate the 'build' folder generated by Vite, as shown in the image below. or Alternatively, place only the...
$id = Swoole\Timer::tick(100,function(){echo"⚙️ Do something...\n"; }); Swoole\Timer::after(500,function()use($id){ Swoole\Timer::clear($id);echo"⏰ Done\n"; }); Swoole\Timer::after(1000,function()use($id){if(!Swoole\Timer::exists($id)) {echo"✅ All right!\n...
Consider cloning the repository into a Homestead folder within your "home" directory, as the Homestead box will serve as the host to all of your Laravel projects:git clone https://github.com/laravel/homestead.git ~/HomesteadYou should check out a tagged version of Homestead since the master ...
Consider cloning the repository into a Homestead folder within your "home" directory, as the Homestead box will serve as the host to all of your Laravel projects:git clone https://github.com/laravel/homestead.git ~/HomesteadYou should check out a tagged version of Homestead since the master ...