Constant: Redis::BACKOFF_ALGORITHM_CONSTANT These algorithms depend on the base and cap parameters, both in milliseconds, which you can set using the Redis::OPT_BACKOFF_BASE and Redis::OPT_BACKOFF_CAP options, respectively. Example $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_BACKOFF_ALGORITHM, Redis::BACKOF...
这个是你使用的时候,用的是include或者require吧 两次载入就会造成这问题,其实你只需要用require_once()一下就可以了,第二个问题是在使用变量的时候未定义
升级了我的php(从php5.2升级到5.3.13)版本后,发现我的thinkphp程序不能正常运行了,出来了“Constant APP_DEBUG already defined in XXX”这样的错误,经过一番排查,发现原来是入口文件中define('APP_DEBUG',TRUE); // 开启调试模式 这个变量重复定义了,删除后边的一行变量定义后,程序就一切正常了。
a b c
1 if (<some condition>) { 2 define('C1', 'FOO'); 3 } 4 else { 5 define('C2', 'BAR'); 6 } But you should always check if a constant has been defined with defined($name) before accessing its value using constant($name). ...
Check if a constant exists:<?phpdefine("GREETING","Hello you! How are you today?"); echo defined("GREETING"); ?> Try it Yourself » Definition and UsageThe defined() function checks whether a constant exists.Syntaxdefined(name)
· The $fetchType parameter (optional) is a driver-defined constant that specifies what type of array will be returned: associative, numeric, or both. The corresponding constants are SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC, and SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH. By default, an array with both types of ind...
phpwhile(true) {// The first argument is the partition (again).// The second argument is the timeout.$msg=$topic->consume(0,1000);if(null===$msg||$msg->err===RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF) {// Constant check required by librdkafka 0.11.6. Newer librdkafka versions will ...
A function may be defined:function myfunc($p1, $p2) { echo $p1, $p2; return $p1 + $p2; }Functions may have variable numbers of arguments, and may or may not return values. This function could be called using:$v3 = myfunc(1, 3);Function calls may appear earlier than the function...