}elseif(is_object($array)) {return"ERROR fromating object of type [". get_class($array) ."]";//echo ( "[$depth]array2xmlImpl:is_object " . get_class ( $array ) . "" );}else{//cho ( "[$depth]array2xmlImpl: " . get_class ( $array ) . "");//return htmlentities ( ...
To loop through and print all the values of an associative array, you could use aforeachloop, like this: Example Display all array items, keys and values: $car=array("brand"=>"Ford","model"=>"Mustang","year"=>1964);foreach($caras$x=>$y){echo"$x:$y";} Try it...
publicstaticfunctionhttpBuildMultiQuery($data, $key = null){ $query =array();if(empty($data)) {return$key .'='; } $isAssocArray = ArrayHelper::isAssociativeArray($data);foreach($dataas$k => $value) {if(is_string($value) || is_numeric($value)) { $brackets = $isAssocArray ?'...
And here is another variation for a function to test if an array is associative. Based on the idea by mot4h.<?phpfunction is_associative($array){ if (!is_array($array) || empty($array)) return false; $keys = array_keys($array); return array_keys($keys) !== $keys;}?> up ...
Encode an associative array into a JSON objectDecode JSON data into a PHP objectAccess the values from a PHP objectLoop through the values of a PHP object PHP JSON explained Throw an ExceptionUse try..catch to show a message when an exception is thrownUse finallyOutput information about an ...
Whether you're checking for equality on flat arrays or multidimensional ones (with either numeric, associative or mix keys), if you follow these rules of array equality, comparing arrays in PHP should be quite straightforward: Comparing Arrays Using Strict Equality (===) Two arrays (for ...
↑ Check whether array is associative or not. EXAMPLE: a(['foo' => 'bar', 2, 3])->isAssoc(); // true Parameters: bool $recursive Return: bool Returns true if associative, false otherwise. isEmpty(int|int[]|string|string[]|null $keys): bool ↑ Check if a given key or key...
·The$stmtparameter is a PHP statement resource created withsqlsrv_queryorsqlsrv_execute(see the Executing a Query section). ·The$fetchTypeparameter (optional) is a driver-defined constant that specifies what type of array will be returned: associative, numeric, or both. The corresponding constan...
( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } /* Retrieve each row as an associative array and display the results.*/ while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo $row['LastName'].", ".$row['FirstName']."\n"; } /* Free statement and connection resources...
Having 2 ** 3 ** 2 = 512 is actually that is the exact correct behavior for a right-associative operator just as specified in the "**" documentation. up down 12 gmblar+php at gmail dot com 8 years ago <?php functionarray_zip(...$arrays) { ...